Well... this is it. I've got officially less than a week left until I leave for Scotland and I'm not even quite sure what to think of myself. Today was one of the hardest days of my year. And all for stupid reasons it seems.
Today, I moved. I moved all of my life into an untrue 5x10 metal storage box. All with the help of Sorority Sister Anna's muscles and Wheatabix Hilary's ingenuity (and muscles as well). We got everything in there and I may have some room if my grandparents let me store my bike at their house instead of my unit and then I can put in a couple more totes that I actually forgot that I had. oops.
Today I also had to move my cat Maizii to her temperary home. I cried.. a lot.. which is ridiculous because I know she will be fine and she's going to Anna's house but it got me to thinking.. How exactly do you tell the people that you love "see ya later" for a whole year? I know its a rather intresting idea because its only one year.. but I feel like I'm having the hardest time saying goodbye.. LIke I told Hilary in the car today that I feel like once I finally have a true best friend, I am always having to move.. but as she put it.. it is only a year. and it really is only a year. and here's my other problem.. I really really want to go! I've worked so hard to get into the University of Aberdeen and I have worked my tail off trying to make enough money to go and make sure I can live there for a year comfortably. so please don't think that I do not want to go.. its just that I'm having a hard time letting go of what is here.. My sisters who I mostly adore are all in Washington. Wheatabix who I absolutely adore is here in Corvallis. but I have to let go and just allow myself my very own adventure for the first time.. I've worked hard for this... and now my adventure is almost at a start! I am going to be super busy like all the time when I get there but I will have the first weekend there to look forward to. Maybe get out and walk the campus and take lots of pictures like tourists do. Maybe I will be awesome enough to wear my camera around my neck? OH and wear long socks with shorts and sandles. I don't have a hawaiian shirt so thats out of the question. lol..
Things I want to work on:
- letting go
- eating fish
- not worrying about EVERYTHING
- not planning every minute of my life
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