Today was my last in Sydney so I tried to cram in lots of stuff to do. Fenn left in the early hours of the morning after we watched the first match of the world cup together and is in New Zealand tonight, lucky boy!
I slept in pretty late, then took a bus down to Circular Quay in an attempt to tour the opera House. Unfortunately I was disappointed because 3 of the theatres were closed for renovations or something and the guy at the desk told me the tour wouldn't be great value for money, boo!
So instead I tackled Sydney's train network and got accross town to Bondi Junction where i found a bus to take me to the beach. It was a bit late when I got there and a very depressing grey, drizzly day. The beach was still swarming with surfers who appear to be out in all weathers but I can only imagine what it is usually like in the summer time and will have to come back one day. It is only a beach though and didn't think it really lives up to the hype, I've seen so many prettier ones since i came away.
In the evening I met up with Jo, Christella and Nat and we went into town to Oxford street to watch the England match. The place was absolutely packed with fans, I don't think the Aussies knew what was going on. I met loads of people and after the match (which didn't end til gone 1am) i stayed on to party into the early hours.
Was a bit annoying getting back to the hostel, no cab driver would take the English fans which I think is a bit unfair and when i eventually did get a taxi, he wouldn't even take me all the way to the hostel saying that it was walking distance,grrr.
Had such a great night though and can't wait to see the 3 girls when i get back!!
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