So ive been in Quito for two weeks learning Spanish. The hostel were staying at, Hostel Selve Alegre is really nice and the food is good.
Two weekend ago we went to Otavalo which is supposed to have the most famous market in Ecuador. Its a two hour bus journey from Quito, and somebodys bag got slashed on the way and all her stuff was taken - it is supposedly the worst bus journey for pickpockets because of all the tourists.
anyway we got to Otavalo. The market was quite good but im not sure if it was worth the two hour bus journey and the town isnt really anything special.
last weekend we went to Cotopaxi. it was absolutey freezing. we got there on Saturday and had some training with the crampons and ice axes, which was good fun. we had to get up at midnight to start the trek, and unfortunately i didnt make it up there because of altitude - i turned back at 5550m because i was feeling ill, and all the way down my balance was completely awful and i had to lean on my guide to stop myself falling over my own feet.
Apart from that ive been having an amazing time here. everyones lovely, Spanish was good at first but my head now feels as though its about to explode.
we went out last night to a bar called Bungalow 6. it was ladies night with free drinks and entry from 8 until 10, which it turns out is not such a good idea.
im looking forward to going white water rafting at the weekend, and going to my project site at Puerto Lopez, so I may not be able to communicate for a couple of weeks.
Chou for now Alex xx
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