We've had a nice relaxing couple of days since I last wrote here, we've sat around the pool drinking cocktails. We've been out shopping in Chaweng. We've even had joint mani/pedis! Not much has really changed over the last few days except we turned red yesterday after not putting on sunscreen before reading our books outside. We also went to an American place for lunch in Chaweng and lived out our Man vs Food fantasies by having chilli cheese fries, buffalo wings and pulled pork sandwiches. Have picked up plenty more clothing and accessories as well. I'm so far loving Koh Samui much more than I liked Bali as the vibe is more laid back and everyone is less in your face about things. We went sightseeing today and saw the mummified monk (cool but creepy), grandma and grandpa rocks (the are shaped like a penis and vagina, hehe), a waterfall which we were able to swim under and some lovely views around the island. Off to Bo Phut for dinner tonight so that should be nice. Speak in a few days.
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