Hola from Montevideo, Uruguay!
It's been a little while since I wrote on this thing so I'm going to have to backtrack a little and relate my impressive series of unfortunate events , plus other fun things we've been up to.
We left Patagonia early one morning after I'd spent all night throwing up from a mystery bug (Kaya seems immune to all bacteria, guess that's what happens when you work in a hospital). After 10 hours on a bus then 9 hours in an airport waiting for our 3am flight, all of which was spent in a feverish dehydrated daze, we finally made it to our Buenos Aires hostel .
Oh, and to top it off turns out I DID have bed bugs which had attacked again and the bites all over my face, neck and arms had started turning into purplish welts. That combined with the bloodshot eyes and the huge bruise on my arm from hiking it probably looked like I needed to be quarantined.
Oh, and then Kaya managed to slide in a massive pile of rather sloppy dog poo and while she just ended up with it on the bottom of her shoe, she'd managed to flick it all over my legs! Fun couple of days I know J But by the end I was just pissing myself laughing thinking what else could happen! Anyway, from here the story gets less "whoa -is-me" (thought I should relate it as I found it pretty funny) and apart from coming down with every cold around, and suffering some serious stomach ailments, it's defiantly been an amazing trip so far.
So spent a few days in BA where we met up with Mel, but after over a month of tiny towns and desolate mountains the city was a bit much and we fled north the Iguazu Falls - totally spectacular! It felt like we were on the set of an Indiana Jones movie and half expected some ninjas abduct us taking us behind the falls where we'd discover some ancient Eldorado treasure! Take a look at some of the photos I posted - you can't quite get the whole feel of the place but you can still see how spectacular it is.
After Iguazu we headed back to BA, this time more adept at coping with the city. Definitely liked it more the second time round. We met up with Sarah and Luke (Kaya's Melbourne crew) said goodbye to Mel (sniff) and headed into Uruguay. After a brief stopover in Colonia where we started our own motorcycle gang… well four kids on scooters (but mine was red - a very dignified gang colour) we ended up in Punta del Diablo, a beautiful tiny little beach town near the border to Brazil. After organizing for our very own Cabana on the beach we decided it would be pretty tough to get us to move anywhere soon. The town was so slow and lazy it was impossible to imagine doing anything in a hurry so we spent the next 9 days doing nothing but read books, lie by the beach and play cards. Oh that's not true, one day we went for a sunset horse ride. As a novice horse rider I absolutely loved it! It took a while to figure out how to not bob up and down like a cork, but think I had it mastered by the end and we even got to gallop along the beach under a near-full moon!
We're now in Montevideo and struggling to snap out of the beach life pace but we jump on a plane to Colombia tomorrow which will defiantly shake things up! Will let you know stories soon.
Hope everyone has a lovely Easter break xoxoxo
- comments
Steph Awww that sucks your health has been attacked from all angles it seems. We got your postcard yesterday and it sounds pretty exciting a)that you are still alive and b) you are having a blast. happy easter :)