Home safe and sound; we didn't realise that our bike was amphibious!
We knew we were back in England as it was cold and wet (the last 40 miles we rode home in rain) and we passed through miles of speed restrictions on the motorway with all the cones sitting at the side of the road and NOBODY working!! 10 minutes from home we rode through a flood that was so deep it was up to the on coming cars wheel arches and as we rode through it it came over our boots! As we turned on to our avenue we had a welcome home committee of Chris holding Benjamin and Marie waiting to see us , which was lovely and made us feel as if we had been intrepid explorers!
Last night we had the 3rd storm of our holiday. The Captain in his introductory announcement told us that the crossing would be "moderately choppy, expecting a Force 6 wind"! So we knew it would not be a smooth sailing!
We sat in the piano bar listening to the pianist who was a very good pianist and a mediocre singer but after 2 bottles of wine we were happy to listen to him as Colin knew it would be no good taking me to the cabin during the storm. I did reply to the pianist at one point that he should continue playing as the ship went down! One passenger looked askance but another lady appreciated the joke!
This morning yet again I got the times mixed up, I forgot we had lost an hour and it was an hour earlier than I thought!
So our adventure is over. In some ways it doesn't seem as if we were away for such a long time, the days really have flown or rode by!
Colin wants in this final blog a summary of the routines and logistics of the holiday so here it is.
Daily routine:
By 9:30 each day we would have showered, breakfasted, packed, changes onto travelling gear, checked out and loaded up the bike.
Our journey times on average lasted about 5 hours which included 2 stops; 1 for fuel and a drink then another for lunch.
We always tried to arrive at the hotel around 2 so that we could check in and go straight to the room where we showered and washed our T-shirts and underwear. After that we went off sightseeing usually returning back to the hotel to change before going back our to eat but sometimes just staying out til bedtime.
On the days where we weren't travelling we walked, cycled or did more sightseeing. Very occasionally (3 times!) we sat and read or listened to our books for a couple of hours but other than that we were constantly on the go.
Some statistics:
Number of days travelling days: 26
Number of hotels: 24
Number of ferries: 3
Number of towels used: 135
Average daily hours riding: 4 1/2
Shortest riding day: 2 1/2 to Jonkoping Sweden
Longest riding day: 8 1/2 hours to Cluj-Napoca Romania
Estimated fuel used: 666 litres
Estimated cost: £400
Best hotel: Pension am Schneidertum Sighosoara Romania
Worst road: Ukraine
Worst drivers: Romania
So there we have the end of our adventure; we are constantly being asked if we enjoyed it and would we do it again, to both questions the answers is categorically YES.
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