24/02/09: We left lake Mahinipua about 9.30- after the buses engine was flat so we had to get it jump started!! Then stopped an hour late at a bush centre where we watched a film on deer farming- not a highlight of my trip- and saw possums and deer and a wild pig. We also had breakfast there! Then we continued on a short drive to Franz Josef which is beside the southern Alps- we paid for the glacier hike we are doing tomorrow then checked into hostel- most of the rooms are four person rooms but because we didnt push to the front to check in we were put in a 6 bed dorm with the 4 American guys who were in our room the other night and who disrupted us so rudely!! I was gutted and asked if there was any other spare beds but reception said no, so after a few tears to the bus driver about being the only girl in the room and about their adventures the other night he sorted it so me n lil alex are sharing a 4 bed dorm with two normal people!! The lodge is nice though- great facilities and nice views!! We went for a mooch around the village but it is tiny!! More photos now available at: We went to kitchen and I continued alexs cooking lessons with a simple tuna pasta for tea and then we chilled in the room and chatted to a really chatty but nice Irish woman before heading to the bar where we sat chatting with our Danish friends and the American John who we were with near the beginning. They had a big rock, paper and scissors tournament with 32 people including lil alex- but unfortunately he lost in the first round!!
25/02/09: Happy Birthday Paul! We were up at 7.30 because we had to be at the glacier hike centre for 9. We got given waterproof trousers, waterproof jacket, hat & gloves, socks, boots, a bumbag and some clamps that you clip on your boots to allow you to grip on the ice. We then headed to the glacier- first we had a 30 minute hike through the rainforest and another 30 minutes along the rocks at the base of the glacier- I was already knackered by this point and considering turning back!! Then we put on our clamps and split into ability groups- we were in the middle! We started up the glacier (a frozen river for those like me who didnt kno). Luckily the weather was really clear and nice! On each side is mountains with waterfalls and rainforests- its gorgeous. We climbed up- i've never done anything so scary!! Then stopped for lunch and the guides used axes to make holes and steps as we went. We walked through ice caves and in tiny gaps and then we had to go up and over about 4 walls of ice- its impossible to describle but there are just tiny holes made in the ice to step on and steep drops and its slippery. We also had to walk along tiny ledges with steep drops in the ice. The descent was easy in comparison! We was walking for about 7.5 hours!! We got a lift back and walked back to hostel where me and the German girl jumped into the spa pool to relax!! We couldnt be bothered to cook so got pizza and chips from the bar! The hike was probably the hardest and scariest thing I've done but the sights are just amazing- I've never seen anything like the glacier- some parts are really blue frozen spots where you can see the water through the ice. We were really lucky cos no one else came in our room so it was only me n lil alex in the dorm with our own bathroom!!! Luxury! We were exhausted so had quite an early night.
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