So we went to lake taupo..its bloody huge, you can fit singapore into it! walked around a bit and took some beers down to this lake we had heard about...amazing was a natural hot pool sat in there for ages!
managed to get our hostel a few dollars cheaper billy who we're with we have named dell boy = he could sell snow to an eskimo. got a right good bunch of lads with us at the moment...we;ve been given a free sat nav and scott has offered us his car when were in australia. we watched the all blacks beat australia...i was so hammered mart was drinking my drinks and i didnt even notice.
we rented some bikes and went off to some mountain bike off roading tracks and around town and checked out the taupo bungy...didnt look that high the one im planning to do is 100metres higher.
next day we set off to river valley...actually in the middle of nowhere. its a beautiful place stopped in a big lodge with had a massive fire in the middle and the dorm rooms were just like one giant bed...all cosy in one room.
the lads have taught us the essentials of backpacking - how to put steak through as carrots, how to get washing machines for free using a cotton bud, peanut butter sandwhiches for a week and only paying for one bed!
we decided to go for a ''walk'' - turned out to be a little more adventureous than we first expected! abseiled down a cliff and then walked along the river...was slippy and hard work but the view was worth it by the time we reached the waterfall.
next day we headed to there quite late so only really had enough time to get smashed and check out the night life....up early and caught the ferry 3 hours to the south excited for it!! stopping in kaiteriteri tonight going for a beach walk tomorrow morning before we leave for westport.
- comments
sofia a sounds so amazing what ur doing and wen we having a family skype again having spoke in a few weeks i need the gossip