Hi you two, your card arrived today,you can bring one of them home if you like,make an interesting addition to the family.lots of love Nana
I thought you told me you wouldn't drink while you were away. You seem to be having a lot of hangovers ! Remember your dear Nanas words of wisdom before you left
Sounds great, well except the nasty spider bit! Lots of love Mum xx
Hiya guys. finally managed to get on your blog site. have looked over your blogs and your photos and realise that there really is something very important missing it should definately be in almost every image and included in all updates. i need to be there!! have a wicked time. miss you philly. x
Hi at last, nanna is having difficuilties with this damn email. I have my new carer helping me with this and we are not getting very far. I am going to ask your mum to come white water boarding with thewheelchair next year, we will take our year out!!!
Pip I am glad you liked the vic market I thought it was great. Your counters should have looked like that every day, not the mess you left behind. Be Good JY
Becky And Simon
Hellloooooo again, Glad your both still alive and kicking and thinking of us all here in dreary old England with the Snow and hail and cold wet weather, not that i'm complaining of course... sniff.
Still sounds like your both having an absolutly fantastic time, and your pictures are amazing, make sure you keep posting lots more.
Take Care both of U's
Tracy Whiteway Roberts
your photos are great...you look like you are having a fab time.......
Shenagh And Paul
The photos are brilliant and we love the plastic bag dresses. Is jumping out of a plane the best way to cure a hangover? Being strapped to a hunky guy might help though. Luv, us.
Hey Aine, looks like you're having a fab time, but those photos really did confuse me there ! Have fun XX
Aine O'connor
Hello everyone!
Sorry about the photos i've managed to put the wrong ones on. Dont ask how i did it i must of pressed th wrong button. Will upload the holiday photos over the next few days promise!xxxx