So I left LA on Monday and arived in Fiji, 10 hours later on the Wednesday - how weird is that! Stupidly didn't think about the weather conditions when I left LA so arrived in jeans, a lond sleeved top and a hoodie and just about passed out! Taken by bus to a beautiful marina where we took a 2 hour boat ride across to Waya Island and Octopus Resort. Talk about Paradise!!! (thanks for the advice Katie!) So after a welcome from the staff singing to us on the beach I had a quick change and spent the rest of the day sunbathing in a hammock on the beach - it's a hard life! Dinner was a fab Indian buffet and then we watched a film on a big screen lying on giant beds round the pool.
Woke up next morning to a spattering of rain but took a walk to the next village. Up 147 steps in the heat and we had to be completely covered up for the visit so it was roasting and then down a very slippery slope of mud after the rain into the village. Had a wander round and visited their craft market and then the heavens opened! We had the most torrential downpour I've ever seen and had to shelter in the village hall. As it calmed down we decided to walk back and by this point the paths were just about impossible to walk on so we were slipping all over the place and I just decided in the end to go bare foot. We got to the top of the hill with it's amazing views again and then started down the other side when yet again the rain came in. By the time we got back here I was soaked through to the skin! Intenet about to run out will be back later to update...
On the topic of weather I think I must be the only person totally oblivious to the cyclone they've just ahd out here that caused extensive flooding and destroyed parts of the mainland! As a result a lot of the resorts are very quiet. Our accommodation is fab, the dorm doesn't fel like you're backpacking at all, vry luxurious. First time I stayed in a mixed dorm and I rolled over in ed on the first night to witness a naked man (well he had a tiny pair of pants on) lying on top of the bed next to me which came as a bit of a surprise! All the staff here seem to know your name pretty much from the outset.
Had a gorgeous lunch of green prawns and then the sun came out and then we spent the afternoon learning how to weave bracelets with leaves. We sat all afternoon drinking lemon leaf tea and chatting with the women that runs the resort about the local village and all their different customs and it was fascinating. All the staff there are employed from the village and the resortt pay for every chiold to go to school and for people to go to hospital when required. That evening we had the traditional cava ceremony before dinner. It's made from pepper root and is a mild anaesthetic so if you drink too much you get a numb tongue! Entertainment after another gorgeous dinner was hermit crab racing - more competitive than you might think! I picked mine up and it started using it's claws on my finger, it was bloomin' sore!
Next morning we had planned to kayak round the island and do a bit of snorkelling but unfortunately they were fully booked so I forced myself to have a massage instead and it was bliss. Slightly disconcerting that she just told me to strip off with the door open and everyone walking past but never mind. After a bit of sunbathing I had a lunch of smoked marlin linguine. Thought I was going to come here and eat really healthily after the US but the food is just so good that's what we spend half our time talking about! The afternoon was a jewellery making class where I made a really pretty shell bracelet although will have to leave it behind as you can't take shells into NZ. We decided some afternoon tea was in order so had iced coffee and chocolate brownies and then to burn it off had a game of volleyball. However only one of the four of us had ever played before and we drew quite a crowd of people laughing at us on the terrace. That evening we had a traditional meke with all the staff singing and dancing and then a traditional buffet. There was a huge thunder storm that night and I got up anad went out and watched it about 4am - the lightning was incredible.
Raining the enxt morning but by lunch it had cleared up again. Unfortunately the girls I was friendly with left that afternoon and in fact there were only 33 staying in the resort even though it holds 105. That's how badly the tourism has been affected by the cyclone as normally the resort is always fully booked. There was a BBQ that night and I stuffed my face with steak, fish, chops, ribs, pineapple glazed chicken, baked potato, garlic bread, salad... Pretty much rolled back to the dorm. My last day was a day of rest, there was an influx of people into the dorm and we had a film night - the new Will Smith film 7 pounds and today I had to leave the island. It was a bit choppy on the boat and I was sat behind the window and got absolutely soaked! Between the salt and wind my hair is resembling a matted bird nest.
Off to NZ first thing tomorrow, sad to be leaving Fiji but on to my next adventure! Amy x
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