Tip one.
Dont miss your flight! Which we nearly did in New Delhi airport, fliagged down a guy on a buggy who gave us a lift to our plane (could have run quicker, but the rucksacks didnt help!) finally boarded a busy plane looking all hot a bothered. Great!
Finally arrived in Bangkok, grabbed a taxi to the hotel and headed straight out for food. CAN NOT BELIEVE HOW CHEAP IT IS!!! both got a meal and drink under a quid. After mooching around the need for sleep kicked in. hit the pillow and out like a light.
First full day.
Found cheap breakfast! after showers, we headed for the Grand Palace, well we tried! 'Bill' tried to convince us to take a "free" tuk tuk ride to the tourist information centre, after declining and talking about rioters in the uk, police and where we were going in Bangkok we made it on our own. We couldn't find the information centre so we, as newly qualified explorers made it on our way with out a map! Amazingly we got there. We went all the back street ways so it took us longer than expected. The pair of us were wearing cropped trousers and t shirts but still weren't allowed in without covering up. We were able to rent some long skirts.
WOW! You'd think the place was built yesterday, its so clean and sparkly and you can see the monks worshipping. Very good day out i would definitely advise going early morning as it gets really busy. After walking back in the other direction we got back to the hotel room it was really humid so we spent the remaining time in the pool. After changing we walked to find the pier so the ferry could take us to the skytrain. It was unbelievably cheap, 15Baht! I wish public transport back in the uk was this cheap!
Headed to the open night market walked about a bit and then grabbed some dinner and a beer. We got a little bored so made our way back only to find that we had missed the last ferry back. Bartered with a taxi man 100 Baht! Back on Khoa San Road, we shared a cocktail bucket, sex on the street! no idea what was in it only the amount of alcohol went straight to our heads... Stumbled to the other side of the road and found a cool little bar, bar tender was cool his name was 'Crazy' he sat with us all night talking. We also met a guy from England, so yeh, few drinks and shisha. Stumbled home and crashed!
Good first day! :)
Day two
Recoverd from the night before by having bacon and egg pancake and fruit salad, didnt actually help. Still pretty drunk! So we decided to swim it off all morining. Finally went to the tourist information center and grabbed some food (didnt realise we had made it back to ko san road and eating in the same spot. Oops.) Stayed pretty local and did what we do best. Shop. found some cool little bars and places to eat so we hung around the area all evening :)
Last day in Bangkok!
We went to the travel agent this morning and bought our train tickets to Ayutthaya 3 quid each :) Heading there tomorrow aftewrnoon. So anyway we went to the weekend market in Chatuchak, the biggest market in Thailand, found the bus stop... got on (obviously) but no one came to sell us tickets.... AWESOME FREE RIDE! Market was ace, dabbled in a spot of bartering and headed back. Again attempted to find the bus stop, with no luck. We noticed people to running out in the road and hopping on the moving bus, so we did to. Did i mention it was moving! omg! could have died. got back late afternoon, cooled down in the pool. Headed out for food and drink.
Just writting up the past few days, heading other places tomorrow. NIGHT ALL x
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