Pünktlech zum Sunneufgang simer ume ufem Oberdeck gsi mitere Tasse Tea
Am 6si isch z'Boot richtig Mandalay gstartet u mir heis nochli chöne gniesse.
De zrügg id Kabine u packe... Nam feine z'Morgebuffe simer de ou scho z'Mandalay acho.
Vom Schiff us heimr üsi neue Begleiter scho gsichtet. Dismau heimr e Frou us Guide.
Somit isch dr Männlech Teu iz ou z'friede
Mir si vo Ihre u em Driver fründlech empfange worde u sie wärde die nächschte 6 Tag mit üs verbringe u chumi simr am fahre heimr ou üses Programm für Hüt erfahre....git so einiges z'gseh.
Us erschts ine Bronze Giesserei wosi Buddhas härsteue. De ine Steihouerei wosi us Marmor Buddhas härsteue....aschliessend ine Houzschnitzbude u e Wandteppichstickerei. Tolli Sache...het mr extrem guet gfaue. Aber, ha mi chöne behersche nüd poschtet ....aber wär weis, mir gö ja ume zruegg uf Mandalay
De ine Monastry wosi ame Riese Buddha mit Goudblatt düe bechläbe...dert hanis du nid chöne lasi u ha mr für Chf 1.60 vier Blättli Goud ergateret! Apropo Goud, ire Bude simer gsi wosi die Blättli vo Händsche miteme mega Hammer hei gschlage...immer ir bückte Stellig. Vo Arbeitsbedinige rede mr hie in Myanmar gloub nid...vou krass was die Lüt hie müesse leischte.
Vo üs Schwizer würd da eue kennä nidemau e Minute so schaffe.
Iz sch aber scho zyt fürne Brake u go z'Gästehous go 3h pm wärdemr ume abghout für ufe Husbärg in Mandalay
Vorem Hill simer no e Chlini Kopie vor Pagode in Yangon go gschoue mit über 700 chlinere pseudo Tämple miteme beschrieftet Stei drin vo Mönche gmacht. Aus schön usgrichtet i au 4 Himmusrichtige !
De ufe Ussichtsbärg vo Mandalay go dr Sunset gniesse....dobe heimr de no es paar Lüt troffe wo mit üs ufem Schiff si gsi
largest city of Myanmar and one of the ancient royal capitals is often
perceived and described in literature as Asia at its most traditional, timeless
and alluring but those who go meet a booming and vibrant city located on the
banks of the Irrawaddy River. However, despite the energy and thriving business
it's where the cultural heart of Myanmar lies and tradition of music, dance and
drama are still alive. Upon arrival in you’ll be transferred (1 hour) to
Mandalay city and check in at your hotel.
Your orientation tour of Mandalay starts with directly
south of Mandalay Hill stands the Kyauktawgyi Pagoda, known as the pagoda of
the Great Marble Image. Admire the huge Buddha, carved from a single block of
marble. It’s said that the colossal marble block took 10,000 men almost two
weeks to transport it from the riverside to its current location. Proceed to
Lunch and dinner on own account.
Overnight stay in Mandalay.
Ma Ma Guest House
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