Bula and Yadra to all (hello and good morning)
So our 14 days of desert island luxury is now over!! So lets start from day one...
After a late night with Matt (friend from China) the night before, we reluctantly got up and were on the bus by 7am for Port Denarau. We get on the boat heading out to our first island - Nanuya Lai Lai at a place called sunrise lagoon resort, which was at the top of the Yasawa islands about 5 hours by boat from the main island.
The boat seemed to take ages especially as we kept passing all these little islands and had to watch in envy at everyone getting off, most of the first islands are so TINY you could walk around them in under 15 mins.
We arrived at Sunrise drop off point and were met by the little dingy to take us to our resort, on the way the boat ran out of fuel and we were stranded in the middle of the beautiful sea NUTS! eventually the boat which was carrying the bags noticed that we were no longer behind and it came to look for us, it then towed us back to the beach. When we finally arrived we were greeted by Queen which was a very appropriate name for HIM. The resort was surrounded by turquoise and aqua blue seaand was no disapointment! Our dorm which we shared with 2 other girls was right on the beach so much so that at high tide the waves were practically lapping up against the wall.
The Staff were a little strange, Queen and Britney (both being men) tried very hard to entertain us with dancing but we felt we should move on after the first night.
This is the joy of a Bula pass you can hop between islands as much as you want! The following day we headed to a resort called the bay of plenty on a different island, the place was very nice, we were met from the little dingy by the locals singing and holding ice cold orange juice for us.... while standing in the sea! Although the beach was not as amazing as some of the others we had passed the staff and the accommodation certainly made up for it, our room was on the edge of a cliff and overlooked the sea below, there were also plenty of activities that could keep you busy and a whole lot of Coconuts which were cut down from the trees if you were thirsty.
We had already arranged to meet our friend Heather (from Oz) the following day so we headed to coral view beach resort, which was really nice.
The resort i think had it all, it had fantastic beach, the amazing water and coral, friendly people and good food. But most importantly ...... lots of hammocks on the beach which were tied to coconut trees!
Kirst has now come to assess a resort based on the number of hammocks it has on the beach, and this seemed to be Kirsts favourite activity and spent most of her day drinking diet coke and reading a book in the hammocks!!
We spent 2 nights at coral view as it was one of the bigger resorts and had 24hr power which most did not have..... 24hr cold beer... always a bonus!
This unfortunately was when kirst got bitten alive by mozzy's and unfortunatly one of her bites became infected and looked really nasty....... if your eating i would wait until you finished to carry on reading as the description is not nice
Kirsts bite eventually looked like a crater on her let, it was red around the main bite and then filled with white puss .... which constantly kept leaking down her leg! As heather decided to go on to a posh resort, we had to leave her due to budget constraints, so we decided to hop to another island callled White Sandy beach!
WSB was also a stunning place - with the sea. After being in dorms for such a long time we decided to treat ourselves and upgraded to a double for the night, our Bure as they are called was a little hut on the beach overlooking the palm trees and the Sea! Kirsts leg continued to get worse. After spending yet another day in a Hammock we had an amazing meal chicken curry, fish, pototoes and veg cooked under ground (Lovo its called) and it was LOVELY! Dinner was followed with some traditional fijian dancing and singing!
It was at this point we decided that kirst needed to see a DR for her leg as it was hurting to walk, we decided that if we could not find a DR then we would have no choice but to head back to the mainland and end our island adventure.
The next morning Lee headed off the island in search for Manta Rays which visit the area this time of year, they grow to 4 - 5 metres and you can swim with them, we waied in the bay for an hour hoping to sport one but no joy!! Meanwhile on the island kirst was being creative and making a bangle out of a coconut... which im told is hard work!!
We left WSB with the intention of finding Antibiotics for Kirsts leg, we climbed aboard the main boat to see where the nearest nurse was, the guys on the boat told us that there was another boat which acted as the mobile medical centre for the islands called the Wana Taki as it happended we had planned to spend the night there anyway so all was well.
When we arrived on the wana taki and settled in kirst enquired about medication for her leg.... with no luck they said that they did not carry antibiotics so that was that!
The boat was great.... basically a bright yellow Cat.... like the IOW ferries which had been converted to a floating hostel. (although cruise was a little ironic as we only moved for about 10mins) but we were staying put just in case of manta rays...
All activities were free - Kayaking, snorkelling and vists to islands near by. We did a bit of snorkelling and Lee saw 2 Stingrays and a white tip reef shark which he followed for 5 minutes! The staff were cool and friendly abd the men on board took lee and made him part of the gang..... this came in Handy for drinking cava. Kirst was still off her feet due to the infection.
all the guys were jumping of the top of the boat and generally messing around..... including swimming through the middle of the catamaran........ which was a very eerie thing to do!! The food was amazing we had roast beef and Jacket potatos... YUMMY
In the evening there were party games and a pub quiz.... which due to lee making friends with the crew ... WE WON! and Kirst also entered a Crab race and that one also.
So our prizes were 2 free cocktaisl each called F##k me up..... and they did each containng 6 shots of alcohol. after the cocktail lee drank cava with the crew!
In the morning we quizzed the crew about the doctors and medication . We told them we were going to beachcomber next, they said we would be able to see a nurse from there and she would sort kirst out. They called ahead and as it turned out no Nurse on Beachcomber .... But on Treasure island opposite there was. so we checked in to beachcomber and headed accross the water for Drugs!!!
SUCCESS!!!..... Nurse found, drugs obtained!! only costing about 30 pounds including the water taxi there. Kirst got a set of pills and cream and a load of dressings!
We returned to beachcomber and met up with Heather again!! Beachcomber is famous for being a party island see the link for the video!!
We had an amazing night Kirst was on the diet coke cos of the pills but heather had a stash of vodka so the night was fun and cheap... (backpackers dream) Kirsts resting lasted a good proportion of the night but once the cheesy music started and the macarena there was no holding her back, we danced on the sandy beach (which is harder than it sounds) until the wee hours of the morning. needless to say kirst was suffering with her leg... bug at least not with a hangover!!
We were up early the next morning for brekkie and to catch our boat to Sunset Waya, we had wanted to go to Waya Lei Lai but no room at the inn!!
The greeting was very nice again music played and people sang! The resort was on a spit of land and at low tide you could cross to the opposite island! the resort was beautiful and the location amazing however staff issues meant that we moved islands the next morning, although we were happy especially when lee woke up to a little friend on the wall beside him.....See spider pic!!
After a lot of deliberation we picked our next island to go to .... Bounty Island aka CELEBRITY LOVE ISLAND!! It was a little out of our budget but we felt it was just what kirst needed to recover for a few nights.
The island was filled with unimaginable scenery, with only one resort on the island (Celeb love island set) and no more that 50 guests it really felt like being stranded on a island especially when you could walk around it in 15 mins. the island was surrounded by lots of other littles islands, such as beachcomber and treasure island and southsea. It was Pure Paradise! The sea was rich with coral and fish and as you probably guessed plenty of hammocks.
Kirst was now allowed back in the water so Lee convinced her to come snorkelling after telling her there were no nasties in the sea! So we get in the water and and the first thing we see was a crown of thorns starfish which can pack a nasty punch if touched!! But we didnt know this at the time.
We floated around the coral and Lee Pointed out some of the fishes including parrot and rainbow fish.
lee then pointed out this small swordfish looking thing then all of a sudden Kirst screams SHARK and she made a full out dash for the beach this scared the shark and it swam off. Lee was in 2 minds of which to follow as he had been desperate for pic but it was to fast.... It was only a little 1.5metre white tip reef shark but kirst was having none of it ... she was convinced it was JAWS and was looking at her as if she was a happy meal!! Kirsts snorkelling was very short and sweet after the shark spotting!!
We left Bounty island after 2 nights and lee feeling happy after swimming in the love island swimming pool and we headed for Southsea island.... This is the smallest of the island and you could walk from one side to another in abour 45 seconds....... That small!!
we had 3 nights on here as it was our last island and we both Kayaked round the island (which took all of 5 mins) went on a yellow submarine to see the fish, Snorkelled Lee took out a sailing boat and Lee also played Volley ball every night with the locals!!
So after 3 nights on the island we are back to Nadi.
Fingers are tired from typing now so Moce (good bye)
Hope all is well and you've not missed the updates to much!!
Love Kirst and lee
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