Hi all, hope everyone is well. We are currently about 120kms outside of Melbourne. Since our last blog we have been to Canberra which was very nice we got a guide book and managed to visit all the free attractions such as Australia Museum, Gallery, Parliament House, Royal Mint, War Memorial, very cultural!!!.
There was a heat wave and I think it was in the late 40's phew!! WE have now spent 12 consecutive nights in the van and managed to have 3/4 showers!!.
We was in paradise beach the other day and we saw a guy catch a 10 ft shark (bronzed whaler) it took him a while to reel it in and when they caught it and killed and cut it open for the meat there was 20 baby sharks inside, very cute which they threw back in the ocean. It was all very jaws like they hung it from a tree and took photos.
Heading into Melbourne, think the tennis open is on so may be busy and look out for us on tv we may get our face on.
Lots of Love
Adsndebs XXXX
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