Been a few days since I last wrote a blog because I have been on the Inca Trail. It was amazing. But first...
Spent some time in Cusco which is once of the main cities in Peru. You get hounded a lot here by people wanting you to buy things and when you say non gracias the reply is always ´Maybe later, I wait si?) Works though as I have bought some things including an amazing picture. We also went to the infamous Jacks coffee house and I had another Adam moment - being surrounded by Aussies we went into a pub called The Real McCoy´s - it is an English pub - I however, did not know this and asked why there were some many english things on the walls etc. High japes. However in my defence all of the others were finding bangers and mash and fish and chips new, whereas I looked at the menu and forgot that we are in Peru and did not notice that we were in an English pub, it was all normal for me!
Anyway, we also went to a isolated village where we saw the women weaving the alpac wool and watched how they dye the wool with plants and parasites from the cacti plant. Really cool.
Started the Inca trail a few days after. 4 day hike 26 miles. It was amazing. I cannot even describe what some of the paths are like and how steep some of the bits are, but it was all fine really. It was ridiculous how well the porters look after you and how much stuff they manage to carry on their backs, running along to set up camp before we arrive. I cannot even to justice to try and descrive how hard they work.
The scenery was amazing and we were so lucky with the weather. Clear skies everyday other than when we were above cloud. We hiked up to 4600m at one point. My best part was getting to hike through the outskirts of the Amazon rainforest and the Cloud Forest. We were having to get up and 5am each day, but it helped to stay in front of the ´rival tribe´
On day 4 we arrived at Machu Picchu which was amazing. We left camp at 4am and watched the sun rise over the ruins. Definitelty something not to be missed! Machu Picchu was amazing and it was great to look around the ruins.
We all stank after 4 days without a shower and hiking in the heat but we didnñt smell as bad as some!
Also saw the damage caused to the inca trail by the recent flolods. Machu Picchu itself hasn´t been damaged but we did camp next to some dodgey looking landslides!
Back in Cusco now, last night we arrive at 9pm having been up since 3.30am. That didnt stop us going clubbing though and we went out to a club called Mythology until 3.30am. I got up at 7.30 this morning so not had much sleep, but no time for that! I am starving and so off for some breakie at Jack´s!!!
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