Back in Sydney again. We booked a tour from Melbourne to Sydney through the YHA and were only given a rough intinerary. So we got picked up at 6.30am on Tusday morning by an Oz Experience mini bus! Oz Experience has the reputation of being the party tours. Oh dear what had we got ourself into!!!!
We have just had the best three days of our trip so far. There were 10 of us in the group with a mixture of nationalities and Joe our tour guide. Our first stop was Wilsons Prom a national park located in the most southern tip of Oz. Saw some wild Emu and Roos. Then hiked for 2hours and had lunch on the edge of a cliff overlooking the beach. After a long drive we arrived at Lakes Entrance where we stayed the night. Dinner was fish and chips followed by beer and a bonfire on the beach.
Day two was the day i was not looking forward to. A bloomin mountain climb. Mt Kozciuszko the highest mountain in Oz. The previous night there had been a big storm all night with hail stones. As we set off to the mountain Joe calls ahead and is told yes we had snow last night! Very unusual for this time of year and at the top its a wind chill of -12! I think i put on every jumper i had on and leggings under my trousers as it was that cold. I hate climbing mountains so was sure i wouldnt do it. BUT we all managed it all 10 of us but at the summit it was so windy we could hardly stand and i thought my fingers were going to fall off!
That evening we had burgers and chips in the german themed bar at the hotel. Then the schnapps began, they had every flavour you could ever want including chili. We all got a free shot on the ski(see photos) Plus they had a very nice Chalottes Snowy Mountain white beer on tap.
Getting up the next morning was fun and Joe decided to Kangaroo petrol the bus for 5 mins and also drive round a roundabout 5 times to make us feel even better. Canberra was the stop today and well we all voted to see the parliament and then leave as there was noting else that we wanted to see. Arrived in Sydney at 5ish and found our hostels.
I'll let claire fill in the rest......
yup great trip, great people..........squeeky beach, pure white sand- and the sand did squeek!!! the mountain climb- a tad to use my hat and gloves...i knew i packed them for a reason!!!! so cold but worth trudging through the snow. got a tad schnappy happy....plum good! all those shot glasses aren't mine! managed to pass myself off as scottish for most of the tour?????? there was some confusion with that...where are the scots????? just didn't correct them haha! a final party in sydney- was joes last tour so it was a bit crazy ....beach themed.....with other oz tour groups too......dancing on tables and the bar! tried a jager bomb- very sweet. late night! claire
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