Tandem Adventure
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Wellington, UK

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Inverness, UK

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John O Groats, UK
Dave and Bobby Hip Hip Hooray? How miserly! We reckon it deserves at least Hip Hip Hip Hooray! Quite an amazing feat ..... the other way round it's not a LEJOG but a JOGLE apparently. People walk that ........
Dad/ Ken Well done you two! You look pretty pleased with yourselves - and so you should be. Made it with time to spare as well. Adam, do you think you would have done it even quicker if Ruth behind had put in a bit more effort instead of admiring the scenery? Looking forward to seeing you when you get back. X
Mum/Rosemary Well done you two!!! I still think you are mad, but look forward to hearing all about it soon. I guess you are down at Ironbridge rowing on this fine morning...and the grass still needs cutting. XX
re: Inverness, UKRachel I agree with grandma and granddad. Although I think I have always known it, probably since our first journey down to Somerset!! Hope you enjoyed being back in your own bed. Looking forward to seeing you later. X
re: Inverness, UKGrandma and Granddad One final thought from us for your blog. In the 2 or 3 years we have known you, Adam, we have realised how lucky (or discerning) Ruth is to have you. The latest talent you have revealed to us is your flare for writing interestingly. Maybe you'll find an outlet for it. Bien fait.
re: Inverness, UKDad/ Ken Well done you two! You look pretty pleased with yourselves - and so you should be. Made it with time to spare as well. Adam, do you think you would have done it even quicker if Ruth behind had put in a bit more effort instead of admiring the scenery? Looking forward to seeing you when you get back. X
re: John O Groats, UKDave and Bobby Hip Hip Hooray? How miserly! We reckon it deserves at least Hip Hip Hip Hooray! Quite an amazing feat ..... the other way round it's not a LEJOG but a JOGLE apparently. People walk that ........
re: John O Groats, UKGrandma and Granddad We never doubted you and we're sure nobody else did either. Hip! Hip! Hooray!!!!
re: John O Groats, UKMom (Sue) Congratulations!! Well Done!! What an achievement Love you both. Would have loved to have done it with you.
re: 23 September 2010Grandma and Granddad We missed a trick! All your families should have been there to greet you and it's your round. Congratulations seems insufficient!
re: Wick, UKMom (Sue) Hi Both. You have done brilliantly, well done, I am so proud of you. I knew you would do it though. What a wonderful adventure. I thought you would stay in Scotland and rest for a day once you had got to John O'Groats. Looking forward to seeing you and hearing all about it though. Arnold is OK eating well, Dad never stops feeding him. Loads of Love
re: Wick, UKFinney sister 3 Well done you pair! So close! Are you coming straight home or spending a day or two up there? Really proud of you both, bet your bums are rocks! See you when you're back (Sunday?) xxx
re: Wick, UKMum/Rosemary Good luck today and looking forward to seeing you. Will be thinking of you doing your leisurely ride today! Well done.XX
re: Wick, UKFinney sister number 2 Well done guys, can't believe you are nearly there. Enjoy the final part, hope the weather is kind and allows you to get some more great views. Looking forward to seeing you on sat. Love you xx
re: Wick, UKDave You are both crazy! But well done to you both. It would be good to catch up with you when you're back to hear the stories.
re: Wick, UK- last visited

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Grandma and Granddad One final thought from us for your blog. In the 2 or 3 years we have known you, Adam, we have realised how lucky (or discerning) Ruth is to have you. The latest talent you have revealed to us is your flare for writing interestingly. Maybe you'll find an outlet for it. Bien fait.
Rachel I agree with grandma and granddad. Although I think I have always known it, probably since our first journey down to Somerset!! Hope you enjoyed being back in your own bed. Looking forward to seeing you later. X
Mum/Rosemary Well done you two!!! I still think you are mad, but look forward to hearing all about it soon. I guess you are down at Ironbridge rowing on this fine morning...and the grass still needs cutting. XX