Our last day at sea. Our last day to put things in order. Mom has finished most of the packing. As I feared, it looks like we have one suitcase above our Southwest allotment. That will be $75, please. We only paid $98 for our tickets but here goes my savings. Oh well. It will be good to get home. There will be much to catch up on. Mom made a list of things she knows about, other things we will discover when we arrive home. That's tomorrow.
Need I mention breakfast. The prunes, ah, the prunes. We check out the pool area and sure enough, there's a sale. Another chance we have to buy stuff? Unbelievable. Mom looks but does not touch. I work on distributing 3 more days of blogs but stop at noon long enough to print up our boarding passes. I have a little over 100 minutes left of Internet time left, enough to finish my work. Sunday and Monday's blogs will be completed and sent from home.
Today, at 4:30pm we are 228.7 miles from San Diego. Our water and sodas are all finished. We have a partial bottle of Chardonnay to down tonight. I got off three blogs, Mom checked her email and I'm down to 50 minutes. I think I'll just cruise around the Internet tonight and blow it off. Our captain warned of large rolling waves closer to California so we'll have to be aware.
We go to the dinner early since there is only one show tonight at 7:15pm put on by the ship's band, the Halcats. We sit with the black and white photographers. I call them that because he's black, she's white and they're both serious photographers living in Watsonville. Also with us is Audrey, the lady from England that lives on the ship most of the year. She runs her "everything's rubbish" routine again. She doesn't like this ship yet she lives on it. Strange. We finish dinner by 6:30, with plenty of time to get to the show. Audrey excuses herself and then the photogs let loose with their childhood woes. The black man was left to stay in Jamaica with an elderly British couple by his parents. These people beat him and treated him terribly. He slept in a toilet and on the roof, attempting suicide twice by age 12. The white lady was abused by her father, had every bone in her body broken as a child and is hated by her family for being ugly. Now she has brain tumors brought on by former injuries. The man has diabetes, congestive heart failure and leukemia. We feel for them.
As we leave the dining room, we stop to talk to Ken and Sue from Canada and say goodbye. We get to the show but it's not that great. Not that the band isn't great, it's just that their show isn't put together well. We should have stayed with the photographers longer in the dining room. Returning to our stateroom, I pack the photo and computer gear while Karen puts the final touches on our 7 bags and affixes labels. Six are placed out in the hallway to be picked up and scanned by customs tomorrow morning.
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