So Freeport is a pretty small town. Only a couple storefronts are occupied and we probably see a total of 10 people out and about each day.
Since my last post we've gone to a local football game, a carnival, the beach, a super feast and a gala.
Our work at the boys and girls club is pretty cool. Most of the kids at my school are well behaved and fun to teach and the staff is great.
I've really enjoyed our time at the Gulf Coast Bird Observatory. We've helped clean up the property, de-weed some gardens, replant clippings and identify and remove two invasive species: wax lead ligustrum and Chinese privet. The property is really gorgeous and it's so nice to get some work outside.
We still haven't started our work at true to life ministries, although we did have our orientation. We'll start work there tomorrow where we'll be putting together backpacks of food for homeless children throughout the area.
Yesterday we helped with the Boys and Girls Club Gala. It was a decent sized event which naturally means it was a little chaotic setting it up. I was in charge of arranging all the center pieces (but I had to follow someone else's vision). My favorite were the white stick and ornament ones (see picture). It was a long long day. We worked from 7am to after noon then again from 5:30 to 1 am. Silver lining: we get next Friday off which means Beach Day.
Both yesterday and today have been in the 80s and humid. It's nice and certainly convenient for our work at the bird observatory but is hardly conducive to getting in the Christmas spirit.
Below is a list of strange things I've noticed in Texas. Enjoy!
In Texas it is apparently normal and acceptable to:
...Drive a riding lawn mower (and a small one at that) down the street in lieu of a car.
...Drive your motorized wheelchair down the road while towing your child in a bicycle cart.
...Order a cake in the likeness of a pregnant woman from a eatery called the Texas Burrito Factory.
- no disrespect to the Texas Burrito Factory. They have fantastic burritos and are home to the Big Ben, a 7 lb. burrito that must be eaten in 1 hour. 28 people have tried, none of succeeded.
...Be an established burger joint and have tacos on the menu. When someone orders tacos without meat the appropriate dish is hard, stale tacos with lettuce, tomato and cheese. No beans, rice, salsa, guac. etc.
What state are we in? Oh right, Texas. While at times you can find really good mexican food (Tex-Mex anyone?) They still struggle with the concept of "no meat please."
...Work at a grocery store and have no idea what a veggie burger is.
...Have an entire tent at a carnival devoted to toy guns. Not those measly little ones found up north, large realistic looking ones.
...At said carnival: Advertise treats and fried goods as being TEXAS SIZED.
...Again at said carnival: Use the most effective and hygienic method to remove vomit from the seats of a ride: water. Oh and then immediately seat people in those exact seats.
...Give a history and tour of the town to outsiders (Fire 6!) and repeatedly assure them that the local chemical plants (there are enough of them to form a small city) would never put anything bad into the atmosphere.
3 nights after we were given this description of the plants we spotted a giant flame coming from one of them. Burning for hours and lighting the whole sky it was at least 20ft in height and a good 5 feet in width.
...Drive down the road on your motorized wheel chair holding your 4 year old son on your lap with one arm so he is more dangling than sitting.
...See someone stealing from your store (Hobby Lobby - and on Black Friday no less) and chase him across a large and congested parking lot and subsequently tackle him to the ground feet from a major road.
...Write on the govy van "The Gov Sucks" while it is parked at a movie theater.
...Call every laundromat in the state a Washateria.
...Give someone 4 small tacos filled with only rice and beans when they asked for the tacos, as listed on the menu, simply without the meat.
...Have only 1 bowling alley between 4 towns in a 15-20 mile radius. It is furthermore totally normal for it to burn down only days before some very very bored outsiders decide to go out for an evening.
...Have only 1 real bar in the largest local town (and have it recommended to people by the locals) and name it the Armadillo Ballroom. And by in the town you actually mean 7 miles outside of it, in the middle of nowhere. It is also acceptable to have an $8 cover. This is NYC after all, right?
...Think that Thanksgiving and Christmas are the same holiday. To celebrate said Thanksgivingmas you must have Santa arrive at the town Super Feast (you can't make this s*** up) in an unmarked black police suburban. Oh wait, it gets better? Yes! You also recruit someone none of the children will recognize. Someone, perhaps, from out of town. Someone who has volunteered their time. The result: Walker Texas Santa.
...Have Texas shaped waffle irons in every hotel in the entire state.
...Park your trucks on the grass, even when the parking lot is empty, because where else would you park your truck?
...Have single cans of beer on ice in a gas station with ice chests nearby in case you just couldn't decide which s***ty beer you wanted.
...Sell wine in a dollar store.
...Advertise at the mall for the BRAZORIA LIONS GUN RAFFLE: 99 Guns & a 4-Wheeler, Tickets $20
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