Got away at 8am. Garmin showing silly route away from hotel - realised now that it's best not to put the origin on the GPS route, especially in one-way areas, as it will take me round the block.
Interested to see trolley buses and trams on the East side of Bologna. I took a winding route avoiding the busiest roads, but there were still some lorries passing too close. Lunch in San Pietro In Vincoli. Finally saw the Adriatic at Cesenatico. Some nice off-road cycle tracks beside the beach. A lot of cycles going the wrong way on one-way streets.
Checked in the the excellent Hotel Biancamano in Rimini, where I had a big room with a balcony and BBC tv for only 36 Euros. The staff were prefectly happy for me to take my bike into the bedroom. I wandered down to the marina area and had a small glass of beer for the rip-off price of 3.50. Then I had dinner in a restaurant on the promenade for 36 Euros - same as B&B in the hotel!
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