Hello! So heres basicly what i've done so far! Arrived at Hethrow Airport to the sun in the skys but still chilly as hell! Went to my Uncles cabin in Chertsey and settled in and began to fight jet lag, or sleep dep seeing that when i should have been sleeping for 8 hrs i got 2-3. Did some homework, went on some grocery errands and got Thai food supplies! Yum! We went to a mall in Kingston, very nice and puts American malls to shame. We didn't stay very long because I was quite depressed I couldn't go shopping in such a neat place. Drove home nearly fell asleep quite a few times! Had some bomb green curry and then fought jet lag till 10:30 when i finally finished my Ecological Footprint essay haha. Went straight to bed and slept till 11 w/o a problem, basicly I passed out.
Woke up and went to London. Went to Pallmall and found the Texas Embassy. Drove past Buckingham Palace and the changing of the guards. Then went into Soho, true original Soho. Walked down what used to be the Red light, past the Italian corner (Thought of you jenna!). Stopped in Abercrombie, yeah I was even overwhelmed it was so crowded!
Went into China Town. Went to Wagamamas (chain noodles/curry/rice resturaunt) for the first time! Very good, quite recomend it to anyone who comes across one! Its set up in a cafeteria style, but keeps up its appearence and poise at the same time. Oh! and I recomend the Chocolate fudge cake w/ wasabe! Really! Really! Good!! Uncle Sean and I are gonna try to recreate our own version of it in black and white cake....
Stopped in a hat shop to try to get hair ties, walked out with three hats i'm totally in love with. Then walked thru Neals yard looked at all the shops and how many different companies they have here.
Walked to covenent gardens where we watched a histerical street performer a magician with quite a sense of humor, America got ripped on equally among other countries haha.
Walked to leister square and saw the differnt cinimas (yes fabio you would have been in heaven it was a square full of Cinimas). Went to a lil gift shop and got a few suvinors then went to another lil alley shop and got a London jacket I love!!
On our way back to the car we walked by a resturaunt called Crispy Duck on lower wardour street and decided that we would stop and eat Crispy Duck! Very good! (look Jenny I finally got my Crispy Duck!!! You should suggest it to your parents! haha jp)
Walked back to the car, down Soho, past two transvestites and a gay bar, nothing against them or anyone else like them... just their taste in clothing haha.... went uploaded my pics and eventually passed out....
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