We got a taxi straight to the hostel but when the taxi stopped on the street there was little sign of a hostel. We got out of the taxi to find a small sign and a doorbell. We woke up the girl in charge it turned out we were the only guests in a 24 bed hostel. That day we did very little but we did make use of the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine as a few students had arrived. By the time we had finished the first bottle there were loads of students it was a safe house to drink and smoke in. That night drank a bit more and had an invite to a party the next day.
The next morning we tried to find somewhere to stay in BA the girl got up about 11.30 and went to get us breakfast (she was up until 6am). Croissants and tea for breakfast then out into the sun. We headed straight through town to catch a mini bus to Alta Garcia to see where Che grew up. Upon arrival went to the tourist office where a helpful woman drew us a walking tour that took in the Che museum even though it was closed for today only due to work. We thought we would walk down anyway. Around town lots of big nices houses obviously a bit of money around. People kept helpfully informing us that Che´s house was closed as they walked back from the house. Think we were probably the only ones going who knew it was closed. Not much you could do or see when you got there took a picture and continued on our way. We went to the Jesuit museum instead which was a very nice building and quite interesting. Think Keeley found that there was perhaps a bit to much information. Got a bus back to the center and then back to our hostel wasted most of the night flicking on the tv and went to bed early. When they came to pick us up for the party it was midnight and we were in bed. Probably a good thing as seen little of Cordoba so far and night bus to BA tomorrow.
We went looking for one art gallery and stumbled accross a different one which was a good find. Lots of really good photo art (Keeley´s a big fan) as well as contempory modern art. As the sun was shinning relaxed in the park before trying to find the art gallery we originally were heading for. The next art museum was not as good but it did have a polar bear statue outside. We did keep the staff entertained be trying to find our way to a closed of level. Exiting one lift with a cry of no made one girl stiffle a laugh. Back to the park so Keeley could enjoy more of the sun. Then a bar and a drink before another night bus to BA.
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