We got on the plane at LAX on the 29th and arrived in this balmy place the 31st- New Years Eve. We crossed the international date line and are now GMT+ instead of GMT- It took us by surprise. With all the other things on our minds the fact it would go down like that escaped us. Two plane rides and a boat trip later and here we are in the Whitsundays. There is 300% humidity- I have to chew the air before I breathe it, which I don't like at all (never been a sauna girl). The bags are all tossed in a little shed and it is a free-for-all to go collect. Everyone is in full summer dress and frame of mind. Their skin reveals tan lines from the days of summer they have already enjoyed. We are in jeans or sweats and cannot decide if we need that sweater or not in the balmy breeze because the intense humidity and bit of sleepy gives us a chill. The resort has a musty smell to it. We are told we cant go in the water without a full lycra suit including mits because of stingers. The party starts at 6 and dont be late. Ugh, not in the mood. I thought I was going to Gilligan's Island?
We put on our best but are blown away by the show of resort wear. Out of time and now out of place. We huddle together- the 5 of us and just try to gain our sea legs as bizarre dressed people in stilts simulating barkers and butterflies pass by in our air space occasionally trying to draw us from the cluster we have intuitively created for safety. The skies are littered with fruit bats aka flying foxes- truly fox-sized and shaped with wings. Very cool but their size and numbers a bit alarming. Small kangaroo like things with ringed tails run from us in the shadows. The desserts look decadent; we are offered wine at every turn. The rain pours down and, as the Mom, in this moment I make a decision.
We have partied and pushed it the last 2 weeks and for weeks before that were dealing with packing, saying goodbye, jabs and intense sickness. This resort is filled with people on vacation- but we are not. We are done with that. It is time to bring structure to this gig. While others party it up- we will, we must, use this place to find wellness and self-impose some order. At my very core I know we have to or will never make the distance.
January 1st, 2013
Let me be the first, probably literally, to wish you a Happy New Year.
First entry from the Whitsunday Islands in Australia 148° West
- comments
Amy Now Jan 4/5 for you, I do hope you have found some of the structure and order you pursued, wrapped in the relaxation and wellness you imagined!