I stop by for a short hello. I am empty handed but I know that's ok. A man in a red assisted-walking scooter is sitting chatting with Tim. I say I don't want to interrupt but didn't want to walk by without saying hi. I am invited into the conversation and learn the scooter man is named Jeff, we shake hands. We talk about cyclones filled with red dirt and the Queen, William Penn a bit more and I fail to answer correctly an American trivia quiz. Apparently there is a stamp just found in a German market that is from the 18oos. I can tell Tim has been a stamp collector in a former life. I ask him how he did in the cold rain last night- he shakes off the question- he clearly doesn't want to talk homelessness and is enjoying feeling normal. I take the cue. Jeff and Tim are like a comedy act and the jokes are flying back and forth about being a bum. Jeff is making coins appear in Tim's ears then stealing them from him. It's a quick chat. After a half hour I tell them I must go. I add, you jokesters are good for my soul. I can see by their faces the feeling is mutual.
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Mom Gautney How much intimacy and joy there is in laughter!