Prepare to shudder. The kids want to meet Tim. We talk about it and I see no danger but will make it an extremely quick stop on our way to the IMAX. They have stepped over homeless the whole time we have been here- it is not like I am bringing them some place they have not already physically been, just adding a hello to the scene. They have gathered some fruit because it is important to them to make a healthy contribution. They were annoyed that when I recounted my story to them that I even thought about McDonalds. I add in a bottle of water and the money pouch a family member gave me for our trip. Tim can use it more than I- maybe he can get a decent nights sleep if his money is safely strapped to his body rather than under the crate or hidden in the bushes. As we approach the Jacob's corner the kids report the same fear and sweatiness that I had the day before. I offer for them to hang back at the Jacob's entry and not come with me- it was there idea and they totally have their foot on the gas. I totally understand and experienced their feelings.
I extend a hearty hello and present the offering. Apparently the ducklings lagging a few steps behind decided to follow me as he asks if they are mine. They introduce themselves and he is kind and appropriate and asks if they helped Mommy gather some things to give him and says thank you to them. I don't want a long exposure with the kids and tell him we need to run. He holds up a laundry sack that jingles and tells me he has to go to the bank himself. I wonder again if his story about the liver medicine is indeed true, maybe not confabulation? If I were to play investigative reporter my first question to blow the story wide would have been how do you get the money to her while you are here living on the streets. It all seems more viable now that he has a bank account. I remind myself again, it doesn't really matter. We leave moments later for the movie. I can see the wheels turning in the kid's heads and want to debrief but with out-of-character restraint decide not to pester them about their feelings but leave them process them and the kindness they just extended- hopefully seeing that the respect was more valuable than the food and water.
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Mom/Gran Gautney Way to go! Time wise; not overextended; enough to help them experience, feel and think