Ok people, latest updates coming for you now, our biggest news being that we have bought a campervan! His name is Jerry, he's nearly 19years old but been around the block a bit! He came equipped with bed, microwave, fridge, table and chairs, annex (our very blue room) and lots of cutlery and cooking ware so we haven't had to buy too much. A steal at $3000 so less than £1500 as the couple had to fly home, and we'll no doubt be able to sell for around the same price too. By 8.30am it's 20degrees outside so Jerry is a bit warm, we'll try figure out how to keep him cooler though. Some pics will follow once we've cleaned him! Driving him back to the campsite was very scary, we drove over the Harbour Bridge but we were focusing too much on where we were going to look at any views!Once Jerry was safely tucked up at the campsite we decided to have a fun afternoon and went to the Sydney Aquarium, the pics in the album don't quite show how amazing the sealife was but there are some cool ones. There are numerous underwater tunnels to view the sharks and the dugongs etc hence the blurry photographs, although Taylor is to blame for some of them!Majority of our time has been spent shopping to get Jerry ready for our travels, other than that our chilling out has been by the pool side. So yesterday we decided to have a day out and went to the zoo!!!! Taronga Zoo is set high up on the northern shore of Sydney and has some outstanding views. We took the ferry there which went under the Sydney Harbour Bridge and past the Opera House, unfortunately one of the crew of the ferry took our photo, gutted! Other than the main attractions though the view of the deep blue calm water and the numerous boats were well worth the pennies! The zoo itself hosts most animals hence the far too many pictures, Helen got a bit snap-happy and took about 50 of each animal!! The zoo is quite different to UK ones in that the animals have generally been reared by humans as most are orphans or found in trade, because of this they interact well with humans and their keepers. Some of the pics will show the elephant play time, where they played games and performed tasks to keep their minds and bodies active. They sat down, lifted various legs, hopped, threw balls and caught them, and played some football! Helen was needless to say very excited at this :o) Next was the seal show where three seals performed different tricks. The keeper was talking about seals and the seal would act out some of what he said, so when the keeper asked what one of the biggest dangers to seals were, the seal dived underwater and stuck his flipper out like a sharks fin, was all very well done and they were very cute!We have also edited our other photo albums and added some more of the sights around Sydney and our other neighbours!Weather due to hit 31 tomorrow and 40 on Saturday according to your BBC so we'll see if we survive, may need to spend more time by the pool or maybe visit the seaside, it really is going to be tough for us! After that it should be cool enough for a good walk around the National Park and hopefully we will head off to the Blue Mountains after this weekend. Today is a day by the pool, food shopping and planning our trip to the Three Sisters, or maybe just sleeping by the pool!!Hello to everyone, hope you are all well and not freezing too much in the UK, keep us posted with any gossip or news at your end and we'll update again soon x
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