Have sent you all some photos of the little one!!!!
Im loving all your photos,you always look like your havin so much fun.........am so jealous!!!!
Me, james and marissa are catching up on your updates and pictures!
Marissa is fast asleep in daddy's arms........ahh shes a real daddy's girl!
hope your all keeping well& lookin after each other.
Thanks ever so much for the flowers!!!
lLove you ALL so much&miss u more!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mich, James and Marissa
Yo Alicia
Just read up on the last few blogs and scanned all your recent pics (you've got some classics in there!), you gals are having a blast, we're all very jealous over here at Taxi. Take care of yourself and your girlfriends and make sure you always smile sunny side up!
Al & Taxi
Hey Bessm!
Boy do I miss you!!! I've just had a look through all your lovely pics, wow, what an amazing time you're having! You're looking gorgeous as always! Mad to think you're almost at the half way point! Love you loads, keep having fun fun fun!
Bess x
Looks like you lot are having a wicked time in your piccies!! Good to hear your still having fun! Sorry i havent E-mailed in ages or left a comment. Well hope your well. Miss you Lot and lots. Love you Forever x x x x x x x
P.S. Great Pics!!
Hey girlies,
how are you all??
love the mardi gra photos, its looks amazing and very exhausting!
bet you had loads of fun that day,wish i was there with you!
Glad you liked the photos i sent to you,im very big now and just 6wks to go!!!
it wont be normal you guys not being here 4 the new arrival but you know you'll be updated asap!!!i will ring you sorry if its too early!!
The girls have all taken bets on the sex,time and date it will pop out...................how funny!!!!
Email me (and anyone else reading) your thoughts on what it could be,you might have some dosh coming your way!
Bump is kicking and moving,its FOOT is sticking out like something from alien, so rushing off to the loo as always!!
Love you all lots and lots and miss you so much!!!!!!!!
keep us updated with everything.
michwella,james and bump!!!!!!
p.s jill who is paul in the photo ihe s well nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loving the new pics. Looks like Mardi gras is quite the par-TAY. Beesh you crack me up. You're the only drummer I've ever seen hittin' the skins with a handbag attached to your shoulder. How rock n roll is that??
You nutter!!
Wowza, great new pics!! For a bunch of 9 to 5 office drones you still seem to be having a mighty fine time. The F1 rally looks like it was a blast. You all look fantastic.
*kissum wissum*
Wowza, great new pics!! For a bunch of 9 to 5 office drones you still seem to be having a mighty fine time. The F1 rally looks like it was a blast. You all look fantastic.
*kissum wissum*
Hey Leesh,
You girlies are looking way to brown for my liking. Your Photos are wicked nice to see you have met some hotties, well only the best for the girls. Everything is fine at home my job is still going well and the babies are as munch as ever. I will talk to you soon angel. Love you Millions. The one and only La Bumba. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Believe it or not Dad, that photo was taken at the very start of the night! Can't remember why I'm leaning forward like that but you'll pleased to hear that I managed to get through the whole night without stacking it!
Love you
In the 3 chicks on NYE photo it looks like Lindsey is having to hold you up to stop u falling flat on your face!!
Hey lish
Sounds like its all going really well?! Now you lot will never stay in one place...i can see it coming.
Anyways Joe is hot, peace love unity!
The moley one xxxxx