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Brockham, UK
We are now on our last two days at sea and our thoughts turn to packing and what we have to do for our arrival at Southampton. However, that is not what we really want to do, so we start to think and reflect on this fantastic and magnificent journey we have been so fortunate to experience.
Many people may ask what has been your favourite c…
Jovana Hi! How are you doing?! thats so funny, its true though you know how they have the sign Caution Hot on cofefe they're afraid they might get sued or theres also a possibility an idiot can get hurt o well.take care,kyutie
re: Ground ZeroLove mum x The Treasury at Petra was breathtakingly beautiful. Amazing coincidence, as you said, that we both saw one of the seven wonders of the world in the same weekend. The Gt Wall of China is definitely on our list for the future
re: PetraLove Anna and Chris Hi, Petra was everything and more than I expected, one of the real highlights of the trip, breathtaking. Look forward to catching up soon.
re: SafagaMarina Athens sounds wonderful, shame about the weather, all that way and closest to home it gives you a problem. Never mind you have been to Monte Carlo so many times, good job we did not arrange to meet there after all. See you very soon now. loads of love to you bothx
re: AthensAnt So we both saw one of the many "Seven Wonders of the World" in the same weekend. The Great Wall of China was amazing too but not quite as breath taking but still an amazing structure that is hard to comprehend how such a vast construction was ever possible.
re: PetraMarina Sounds like a fantastic experience, bet you thought, just when we thought we had seen it all this comes along. Just brilliant. See you next week
re: PetraHelen & Brian A You'll love Petra - it is just like the photos! If you get the chance, also climb up to the Monastery (El Dhir if I remember correctly).
re: SafagaAngela Sounds as if you are having fun and not missing home to much ? Enjoy the rest of your wonderful adventure xxx
re: VietnamMarina Sounds wonderful, I know that Paul really did enjoy it and that is why he went back for a second time. Wow it does seem to be very hot there though! Really enjoying the stops and the blogs, cannot wait not to see all the pictures. xxx continue to enjoy and keep a log for us all back in blightyxxx
re: VietnamNoreen Its many years since I was in HK but your blog reminded me of this amazing city! Isn't Victoria peak incredible? I remember you could look down into the Governor's back garden from V.P. That was in 1995 and back in the days of Chris Pattern's Governorship. Did you see the racecourse? Amazing city but I remember the traffic travelled at a snails pace all the time! I haven't managed to see anything on the ship's webcam for several days now as every time I look it appears to be night! I'll have to work out the time difference as I want to watch you arrive at Puket. Glad you both are still having a wonderful time - Noreen xx
re: Hong KongAnt Hope there's not going to be a test on all these islands and seas names, especially if we have to pronounce them! Keep having fun.
re: Five days sailing to North BorneoMarina Love the picture, but Chris could do with a haircut!!! Sounds hot, and interesting. Especially in the laundrette Anna you live life on the edge. Enjoy HongKong supposed to be amazing. xxx
re: Kota KinabaluNoreen Wow! That was quite a long stint at sea wasn't it but must be fascinating to be weaving your way through all the islands in Indonesia. I hope they have plenty of look-outs on 'pirate watch' now, Chris. You're in dangerous waters now, you know! N xx
re: Kota KinabaluAngela A woman's work is never done, wherever they are in the world, but think I might swap given a choice. Sounds as if you are really enjoying yourselves. I am still loving following your incredible journey. Xxx
re: Kota Kinabalu