On the Intercape bus from Windhoek to Cape Town many horrible things happened. Not only did we almost end up in jail we also had to watch 2 ridiculous movies about God.
But I'll focus on the jail incident in this post. So; when we got to the border between Zambia and Namibia we had to fill in a form for how long we wished to stay in Namibia. We didn't think it was that important as we didn't need a visa anyways, so we wrote a month. What we didn't check was that they actually stamped 27th of November as our "expiry date of exiting the country". So, there we were by the boarder at 5am on the 4th of December and the guard wouldn't let us pass. I tried to talk myself out of it by explaining to him that we hadn't seen the stamp and that I was deeply sorry. But my puppy eyes didn't work. Where was Camilla when I needed her? She's a master at getting whatever she wants by showing her puppy eyes. No, I had to handle this situation on my own. The guard yelled at me for lying. "Who doesn't check her passport?". "Ehm.. me", I replied stupidly. After several attempts from my side and threats about prison and 20.000 Namibian dollar fines from his side the bus driver came in. I was seconds from starting crying and Sanna; who stood next to me the whole time, didn't say anything as she was too freaked about our future in a Namibian prison. The bus driver was very angry with for causing a scene and told me to shut up and let him handle this. He told me to beg for forgiveness and all of a sudden the guard was done showing his power and let us through with a warning. So now I have a nice red stamp in my passport saying that I'm a criminal. He informed us that the next time we enter Namibia "we will deal with you". I swear to God (who was on the telly); I will never go to Namibia again! And that's the story of how I got a criminal record.
- comments
anita.eriksson .... lite pengar så hade det gått hur lätt som helst. Makt...mutor...gränskontroller. Skönt för er att ni slapp fängelse!! kram
Marika hehe provade med det, men så fort jag nämnde pengar blev han ännu argare. Kanske hade varit annorlunda om det inte varit 50 andra bussresenärer i rummet. :)