Hey Girlies! it looks so great out there i wish i was with you. The highlight of my days are now waiting to hear what you are doing next and seeing all your lovely pics!!
Look after each other!! xxxx
I can't believe u 2. U go 2 a beautiful country where u cn go and lounge in the sun and av a brill time, and what do u 2 go and do??? Get ill and spend the day in bed! tut tut. What r u like??
Hope u get better soon so u can carry on enjoying ur brill hol.
Look after each other xxxxxxxxxx
Working isn't the same without you two. Its quiet, everything gets done properly but I am still missing you two.
You do seem a little slow on the blog posting and the video feature does seem neglected but the pictures are good
Come on where's the video and the next blog entry you two? Here we are at home freezing cold outside, so a taste of sunshine online would make us all glow. Not that I'm nagging!!Take care, Gill
Mummy Miles
Are you having so much fun that youv'e forgotten about us at home desparate for the excitement of hearing your news?
One week nearly gone already so you'l have to squeeze in as much as possible.
Keep safe love you.xxx
hey guys, yoy are soo funny, so u've had a few bridget jones's moments but ur looking good!!! loved reading your messages, take care xxxx
hey guys,
well it seems so long ago we were sat on the sofa in the house chattin about u 2 flyin off to the sun :o).
Michelle im so proud of you gettin on the plane i told you everythin would be fine.
Zo how many hair dryers and straightners did u pack in the end
have a wicked time girls im sooooo jealous, stuck in leicester writin an equity essay!!!
It's been ages since I saw you last, so hope you're all ok and you're having fun!! How long are you there for?
I don't want to ruin your holiday, but I think you should be informed that Jeremy Beadle sadly died today... You must return home at once for a full month's mourning.
I don't know, it's alright for some, lazing around by pools, on the beach. getting up when you feel like it, beautiful scenary to look, not to mention the Ausie men! What am I doing wrong??? Beats earning a living eh. Keep safe and have fun. Gill
I don't know, it's alright for some, lazing around by pools, on the beach. getting up when you feel like it, beautiful scenary to look, not to mention the Ausie men! What am I doing wrong??? Beats earning a living eh. Keep safe and have fun. Gill
Mummy Miles
Lets hope the sunshine will turn those knobbly knees brown! I've been passing this web site on to lots of people, so keep the info coming. It looks beautiful out there. Relax and have fun love Mummy Miles