This will be an extremely quick blog just to say i have arrived in Nicaragua safely. This country is so unique. it is very new, but 3rd world and still developing. There are literally no white people around and they speak no English...and i speak no Spanish-their natural language. I have met up with Brian, who is a friend of mine from Portland, in the USA. He is here with friends, Sam and Connor who speak basic Spanish-just enough to get by. luckily the locals are patient and slow their accent down a lot!!
Sam has been working towards building an orphanage after he visited a place called the dump which is actually a rubbish dump where about 2000 people have built houses, schools etc around. they are living in extreme poverty and the girls are being prostituted for money. so the orphanage is built to get these girls away from the street. the first lot of girls move in in july 1st so it really amazing seeing the process. tomorrow i am visiting the dump. i will let you know more about this oon as i have no more internet time.
take it easy
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