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Playa del Carmen, Mexico
The last few days were spend enjoying the amenities of the resort - swimming, dining, drinking and relaxing. Lemurs lurked beyond our cabanas and the kids enjoyed the pool some more. A week su…

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Coba, Mexico
Next, we stopped for lunch at one of the hundreds of cenotes in the Yucatan. Cenotes are sink holes in the porous limestone of the area. They fill with water and with no natural in or out flow…

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Tulum, Mexico
Today I booked a tour to see some sites in the area. First stop, Tulum, an ancient Mayan ruin on the coast with stunning views of the sea. Some buildings are amazingly well intact. Apparently …
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istanbul tours I traveled for 3 days through Ephesus with my mom and sister. Turkey Travel was wonderful! They restructured the initial suggested trip to give us exactly what we wanted! We spent 4 days in Istanbul, visited the beach in Kusadasi, visited Epahasus, Pammukale (wonderful city by the way! DOn't miss it). We cut out a few cities to visit the beach and needed a single and a double room while we traveled arranged the whole thing for us in a wonderful and affordable way. We had numerous connections, flights and tours, and everything worked well. There was always somewhere there to meet us when they were supposed to be. The few times I had questions or concerns, I merely emailed Ozlem (from my iphone over wifi) and he responded right away and always answered the questions or took care of the issues. I initially found the company on Tripadvisor due to their great reviews, so I want to assure everyone that it is in fact a great company and you should not hesitate in coordinating your trip to Turkey through them.
re: EphesusBob Kucher Hi I am the son of Harriet Malm.Like to hear from you @ [email protected]/* */ I remember meeting Harrold Jr when he came to Thunder Bay to see my Mom
re: Prince Rupert - Just for the Halibutalla lanne Urchin shell, NOT Anemone's
re: Out of the WildSam This is not from a sea anemone, this is from a sea urchin.
re: Out of the Wildmikyp and dont think we didnt notice.... that you took a picture of the gold mining camp guide waist-high next to a large shaft-thing with a big protuberant end. or maybe only I noticed that....
re: Valdez to Anchoragemikyp gotta love the captions... 'worthington glacier'...'manituska glacier'....'presbyterian falls'..........and........ 'flower'.
re: Valdez to AnchorageChristopher Noonan CONGRATULATIONS!!! Congrats on making it to the Arctic Circle. You're right, it's funny how we like to reach somewhat imaginary lines just to say that we were there. I guess it's just a way to measure how far we can go. The pictures are beautiful and I'm sure they don't even do the real thing justice. Being from Chicago, I don't miss the cold, but I'm tempted to take a cruise up to Alaska now. We'll be waiting for you at the beach! NOONAN
re: Arctic Circle or Bust!rcborer Saab test drive, anyone? Man-O-Man Zig do you know how to vacation. It just goes on and on and on... Like the Seinfeld when Kramer takes the Saab for a test drive & they keep seeing how far they can go. You going to the arctic circle next? Aelution Isles? Taking a quick boat ride over to Russia? Awesome. I'm jealous. I was born in Alaska. Its true. I need to plan a trip to go back someday. You are showing me a great amount of options for things that I can do when I go. By the way, in the remote locations you are in I don't advise you take the Saab test drive approach... make sure your gas tank is filled up regularly. RB
re: Wrangell - St. Elias National Parkjtmcdirish Wish I was there! Looks like you two are having a 'whale' of a good time. I just wanted to inform that I know that the 'Ahoy' was just for me back here in old HB! Surfs been pretty small but am looking forward to the US Open of Surfing next weekend at the Pier. This will be 1 year old Brayden's first surf contest. Keep the pictures and narrative coming. You have a second calling as a story teller! Take care, Sean
re: Prince Rupert - Just for the Halibutrcborer Every photo By the way, I checked out every photo in your album. I'm sitting in a Fullerton hotel waiting for Laurie to get ready (her 'getting ready' time allowed me enough time to see all your photos, and then some). Then she and I and Caroline are off to see Mickey and crew at Disneyland. We're visiting my sister in LA for the first time since Caroline was born. My sister has seen us three or four times in MI since Caroline was born. We used to come here more regularly... and as you know by past job with GM BuyPower brought me here regularly for a few big-hitter auto sites we dealt with. Odd that we're here in your hood while you are in the great north lands... mabey we will see you on our next swing here. Talk to you later. Rich
re: Out of the Wildrcborer Out of the Wild Dan, its awesome to see your 'Into the Wild' adventure with Aili turned out better than that book. Photos look eerily similar to what I imagined reading that book. Especially the cable crossing of the river that did that guy in. I bet that first cup of Starbucks was awesome after that trip. Aili is an impressive camp-mate. Lets catch up soon. Richard
re: Out of the WildSaraandJeff Rollo Was just on Vancouver Island! Danny Boy! Sara and I just returned from Victoria yesterday from our honeymoon! We left the weather hot and sunny for you on our departure. Thank us later! Enjoy! Rollo
re: The Urban Pacific Northwestoceanpark Re: AARRGGGHHH! I cannot beleive I do not know how to spell my own name! Fizz
re: The Urban Pacific Northwestoceanpark AARRGGGHHH! I am so tired of you too having fun and leaving me home! FIS
re: The Urban Pacific Northwestmikyp Love the pics, bro! and how long did it take you to come up with the 'Nice Rack' title?? safe travels, you two.
re: NorCal Sidetrips... Volcanoes, Redwoods & Wildlife