Howdy Zane! Haven't checked your message board in a while. Looks like you're still having fun. Where do you get the energy man? Poland, Ireland...Truly admirable. Its good to hear Jon's going to be back in town. There isn't many of the uni guys left in Melbourne anymore. Well Zane... keep it up man! Great photos BTW.
Hi Zane. Hope this is the start of a change in my communication potential. Everything is cool with us. Will send you an e-mail asap. Love you heaps. Mum xxx
Sweet Pea
Graham, Paul and I are successful business people in London and in order for this to happen we have had to adapt to the English business environment. Unfortunately this has meant tweaking our colloquial language so as to ensure we are understood more effectively and efficiently by our colleagues and clients and that we maintain our appearance of English professionalism.
Apples, we Kiwis BBQ on our d*** cause they're hard and hot.
We also like to roast those pussies next door.
Zane!!! You are already in UK, aren't you??? So where are the pictures???!!!
Jonny Apples (The Winner)
Ok so I know it's not a competition but hey....if it was.....I would be a kick arse performer....out in front of the pack...nail in the coffin kind of lead at this stage of the game!
Jonny Apples (The Winner)
If your friends were real kiwi's (as opposed to imposter kiwis) they would say sweet as bro and awesome! You might want to unmask them and find out who they really are? Maybe they're Cantabrians? or Southlanderrrrs? Never mind, all kiwis are cool! I just wish they didn't spend so much time cooking bbbq's on their back d*** ! That must hurt like b*****y!
Jonny Apples (The Winner) mean I've been writing on this message board for nothing!!!!???? HEHE! I am really the winner aren't're just playing with me aren't you???? By the way, when does the prize come through? You said it was in the mail?
Hey Jonny, you are a champ but just to let you know it isn't a competition. Glad to hear you've enjoyed your time in NZ but probably a good thing you're heading home to Melbourne. Choice decision bro! I'm surrounded by Kiwis here too. Only a few of them say "bro" and I haven't heard anyone say "choice" but they are a little strange. :)
Jonny Apples
top writer on the message board awards 2004.
Quantity counts!
Jonny Apples
HI ZANE! How's things??? Just thought I'd drop you a quick note to keep you up to date with our movements. We have made the decision to move back to Melbourne mid December. I have been offered a position with Ericsson and thought it was a good time to take Hayley back to see more of the family. We plan to remain in Melbourne for a year or two then we still might come to Europe and do some contracting work. Who knows what will happen?? Either way we've had a great time here, snowboarding, flying in choppers, eating kiwifruit, pavlova, drinking latte's in bowls, "sweet as" "awesome" "choice" "broooo"! Once we are back in Melbourne and in our house I will update you with our new details. Keep having fun......seeuuuuuu later. JONNY APPS
Hey Sexy Pants? Hows things? Jus saying Hi!! Check ur email when u get the chance! Have fun Kelz