Hi everyone... well it's been a while since I posted an update. My excuse... the boring usual, I've just been so damn busy!
As of a couple weeks ago I've been working 5 days a week at Mute which is great news. Still enjoying it but more importantly I don't have to work long hours to finish everything of course there's the additional cash. Keeping the current web site up to date has become a second priority to working on the new site which is planned to be launched this month. Admittedly most of the site has been developed by a third party well before I arrived but it's interesting to work on something new and challenging and when it's ready I'll let you all know so you can check it out. I'm starting to take advantage of this opportunity a little more by going to free gigs during the week, mainly of our upcoming bands. This week I heard an interesting collaboration between Moby and Public Enemy called Make Love, f*** War and a preview of the new Nick Cave album. Can't say much but is sounds pretty good and everyone seems very happy with it. Anyway, enough of work...
A few weeks ago I went camping with Dave & Belinda in Norfolk to take advantage of the long weekend. Caught the train up to Milton Keys to check out the newly weds house before they took me on a road trip to the coast we're we stayed at a caravan park called "California" near Great Yarmouth. Everywhere you turned in this town there were amusement parlours and blinding flashing lights. The main strip looked like a miniature, cheesy version of Las Vegas with dark, dingy night clubs to add to that ever important trashy feel. Good for a laugh but not the kind of place I'd recommend for a family holiday.
On the way there we stopped for the day in Cambridge, which for those who don't know, is a magnificent historical university town filled with architecturally extravagant colleges. Whilst there, Dave and I both swore we saw Mischa walk right past us. When she spotted us she rolled her eyes and sighed. The last time I spoke to Mischa we left on sour terms so that reaction wasn't a surprise really. Does anyone know if she's living or travelling in the UK at the moment? Unlikely but an absolute classic if it was her.
Dave, Belinda and I decided to drive along the north-eastern coast of England visiting Cromer, Sheringham and then taking a different route back to Great Yarmouth via Aylsham and Norwich. Of course we enjoying a few ales along the way at little pubs and took plenty of happy snaps which I'll post soon. Definitely do the camping thing again soon guys!
Last weekend a large crew of us including Lewis, Bree, Zoe, Paul & Lauren ventured off to the Homelands Festival, which is the biggest annual dance music festival in the UK. Normally a costly excursion but I managed to keep my expenses down because I scored 2 free back stage passes through work which meant free drinks and even more importantly the use of a fancy (clean) toilet. I felt like royalty... well if you'd seen the mobs of people pissing on the walls and lining up for the hundreds of portable loos you would have agreed. I spent most of the time in the live tent which meant I missed out on heaps of other great acts but that's to be expected when there's 7 different arenas (stages). The highlight was definitely seeing Faithless and Lamb. I'd never seen either of them live before and they were fantastic!!!
Now I'm living in Dollis Hill again and I have my old room back. As cheap as dossing can be, nothing beats having your own space to put your things and relax. I'm trying to save money for travel later in the year but with the lifestyle that accompanies living with 14 people who are always up for a big night on weekends, and a young, party happy work place, it's not the easiest task. Still, I'm doing okay and the most important thing is I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. I really enjoy going to work in the morning and knowing that I'm coming home to a house full of wonderful friends is extremely uplifting. Everyone who visits us comments on how great it must be to live in this house, and I totally agree. Plus now that Lewis has moved in thanks to my persuasive arguments and constant harassment, it's even better. He's been here just over a month now and says he loves it too. Great to have you here mate!
Heard my Sainters are still dominating the AFL this season. We're going to go all the way baby! Where's Collingwood on that ladder? To think I'm not there to enjoy it! Oh well, I'm getting in to the football (soccer) instead. Regularly playing in the Mute 5-a-side team and looking forward to the European Cup which is big news over here. Unfortunately I drew Russia in the work sweepstakes so I guess I can kiss that £10 goodbye! Also a die hard Liverpool fan at work has promised to take me to a match next season (partly to persuade me to support Liverpool). I still haven't been to a match yet but I've been told that it's a must do experience, so I can't wait!
Other than that, the weather's getting warmer, the days are getting longer and life is good my friends. Thanks for all the messages and for being patient with my slow responses to e-mail. Keep in touch.
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