Alors qu'est-ce qui passe? Whats going on over there, up there down there, east, west?
And what do we have here? Well, I live in a caravan. They are very fascinating. So practical with all the shelfes and drawers and lights everywhere. Every every centimeter of space used. The caravan is quite small but I love it. There is a huge garden though. A garden with the tastiest, beautifulest veggies, and they are bio :) And there are eggs from chickens living a nice life and rabbits in cages that jumps out of there cages and runs away when I try to feed them in the middle of the night. And theres good cheese and wine and good people.
I have been at Bonzom, the farm of Marion(french, former teacher and jongler) and Mike(english, clown, now a days farmer-clown) for 4 weeks plus ou moins. Thy are in their 50s and have lived here for 10-15 years after travelling around Europe with their own circus show for 10 years. Now they are nice, open minded, well messy organized(??) farmers that sells ecologically grown vegetables on markeds around Toulouse. Two huge circus truck, 3 caravans, a cozy house, 4 green houses, horses(that they use to work the earth), pigs(that they eat), chicken(already mentioned), rabbits(for eating, as long as they dont run away when I feed them) and Coby the dog. Theres also Simon whos working here. He used to work with theatre in Marseille and Paris but now he's doing a school for eco farming. Whats the thing baout artists and farming really? Everyone is easy going, funny, talk alot of crap all the time but work hard and do well. I have really ended up(finally after some searching) on my kind of farm.
Im in Ariege right in between Toulouse and the Pyrenees. The scenery are hills, hills and hills so equally formed and reguarly placed that you think someone made identical waves under the surface of the soil to make it. After the wavy ocean of hills covered with farms and fields you see the mountains not far away with its tops covered with snow since some 4 days ago. Its beautiful! Even if it is autumn we have a warm nice wind blowing, the sun is shining and the garden is full of vegetables ready to be picked. I can still eat figues rigt from the tree(my fruit prefered from now on) and I could still get a sunburn yesterday sitting out in the sun doing my fysics studies... good girl I am
Okey, so farming is funny. But I have spent some days in the modern dynamic world as well. The whole of August I got to travell around between, in west, Toulouse, south The Pyrenees Orientales, north to Macon and east almost to the Suisse border. I slapt in guest beds, on couches, in a tent, on the ground. Went to festivals, concerts, dinners, parties, forests, farms, lakes, beaches, cities. And, je suis tombe sur la creme de la creme of french people. The people I hung out with are the most beautiful persons. And really helpful when I mess up my plans, miss my bus, when my VISA doesnt work or when my mobile phone drops dead ;) And, whats more, they speak a language with the best expressions I have ver heard. The stuff they say... I really miss you people from my summer in France. Good for me that its also autumn and winter and spring in France and that you will be around.
Now its dark and I think I hear an english friend of M&M coming back with his car. He's passing by on his way to Spain. he tells the most amazing stories of his travels with his puppet show. He's got stories from all around, from Maroco, Spain, England, France.... And when he tells about the puppets, how to make them move, and how to make them, all the tecniques, its really magical
I hope youre all very fine, fine people of the world. Lots of love and care. I hope to see or hear you very soon
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