Back in sunny but cold Manchester after the trip of a lifetime...I have uploaded some of my favourite pictures now that I have unlimited wifi and my laptop - hope you enjoy.
In other news, I have made a decision about the future and will be heading out to Thailand in March to become a diving instructor...yes that's DIVING INSTRUCTOR! I am beyond excited and really think it's the thing I am meant to be doing (for the next few years at least).
The diving I have done over the last few weeks has been the highlight and I have been inspired by some good and bad experiences with diving instructors who are living the life that I want. If they can do it - why can't I!?
All that's left to do now is pack up my house, which has been sold while I've been away and spend as much time as possible with loved ones. This next stint away from the UK will be until September when I am coming back for the hen party and wedding of the year
After that the world is my lobster - eek!
So if you have ever fancied finding Nemo or conquering your fear of Jaws, in around 6 months I should be qualified.
Over and out.
Kate x
- comments
Jen Miss you already, but ridiculously excited for you and the latest chapter of your life that is about to begin. Yay xxx
Anaïs Wooooow!! I might wait 6 months then ;) So PM me the details of your trip in Thai ! See u there, & congrats for the new life !!