I'm back from my visa run! Actually, I didn't make it to Laos because being the dizzy b***** that I am I managed to get on the wrong minibus and ended up in Burma rather than Bangkok. But at least I extended my visa for 14 more days and have rebooked the trip to Laos on the 22nd April, what a dope. (Just to add here that my friends at the dive school thought this was the funniest thing ever to happen and I have had it ripped out of me all week...if they only knew that this is probably going to be the tip of the iceberg with me!)
Anyway back to more interesting things and diving. I have been on quite a few fun dives since my rescue course and the process of getting ready for a dive, gearing up and getting in the water is starting to become second nature now. I am still loving it and get excited before each dive :)
Still seeing lots of different fish, no sharks yet but some aggressive trigger fish which I try to avoid!
Today I assisted Claude the font if all diving knowledge with a Rescue Course, this time I was the victim pretending to panic and drown the rescuer. I went easy on Layla because she was only 15 and tiny! Was great to observe the course again and be involved in the teaching side. I'm on the boat tomorrow and I'll be the one jumping in the sea pretending to drown...
Also been on a mini shopping spree and now have a dive computer (watch to tell me how deep and how long I have been underwater), fins, boots and a mask. Still more to buy but I'm getting the essentials first!
Everyone at the dive school really nice, laid back and friendly, really helping me settle. I will be diving most days from now on, the contrast to life at Barclays is mind- blowing!
More soon, we have the Songkran festival on Saturday which is all about getting wet, apparently the streets are full of people basically lobbing water at you. Might wear my snorkel :)
Bye for now!
Kate x
- comments
Jen I feel bad for not being in the slightest bit surprised when you told me about the visa run mix up!!...... So glad you're getting stuck right into your diving and acquiring your own personal equipment. Love the idea of you putting flippers and snorkel on in the way you once put power suit and ID badge on! ....... Can't wait to hear about the festival. Sounds fun x
Kath Yarwood All sounds brilliant, just don't make it too difficult for anyone to save you!! Have fun, really missing you xx
yarwood1979 I survived being the victim! Loved it again today. owe me two beers, those in know say Fins & Mask ;) x x x
Lisa Burma rather than Bangkok, just hilarious! All this dive talk makes me want to do it but snorkelling's the best it gets here, sounds like you've really found your feet (or fins!) Enjoy Songkran, forecast for rain here so we'll be wet regardless! X
yarwood1979 Gives you an excuse to come back Lisa ;) Forecast rain here too, still buying a water pistol though! X
Nick dixon Kate, seriously it's not liking getting the wrong bus to get to Piccadilly train station! When I read this I laughed out loud! Sounds like you are getting settled in, enjoy not having to do a pd review about now! ;)