So theres one more day until we get on our flight for thailand. And it actually hasnt really hit me yet that I'am leaving for three months. It doesnt seem real but at the same time I'm so excited. Im not looking forward to the 22 hour flight but its all part of the experience and it will be all worth it when i get there. I have no idea what to expect when i arrive because i know anything that iam thinking in my head is gonna be so different when i actually get there! This will be the place to check my daily updates on what I'am up to while im over in southeast Asia. For those of you who don't know For the first month i will be at the northern tip of thailand in a place called Mae Sae and im pretty sure this is a nothing town but knowing me and bay we will sure as hell make the best of where we are and have an amazing time. We are volunteering in an orphanage home and though im not exactly sure of what our job will be i know its going to be one of the most rewarding expierences of my life! Then we are off to back pack as much of southeast asia we can cram into a month. Then after that I am off to spend a few weeks in england with kev <3 so i have some really exciting times ahead! make sure you check back to see what I'm up to and send me plenty of emails to read when im feeling a bit homesick!
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