The pics are excellent, looks like you had a great time at the game We had a good time at Sheffield Eagles Fri night, awesome drop goal! going through a bit of a heat wave at the moment hope its still here when you get home How was the sand boarding? or have you not experienced it yet! counting days down now, although I expect you want it to go more slowly lols mum x
Hi Panda & Dan,
Love the pics of Sydney it looks fab Not long for you now I know you'll be sorry to leave, but were all looking forward to you getting home.
Love to you both
Sue, Studly & Dillon
Hello to you both.Looks like youre having a whale of a time as predicted.Keep sending the pictures,it will be over far too soon!Love Aunty Sue X
Hi Manda & Dan
love the pics there great hope u both having the trip of a lifetime wish i was there av a good en and keep away from anything with sharp teeth lol! Collette Sue's neighbour.xx
Hi Panda & Dan,
The latest pics are fab, looks like you having the trip of a lifetime. Your both looking tanned & well, can't wait to see you both its seems like ages since I saw you.
All my love,
Sue, Eddie & Dillon
Sounds like ur both having fun chick.
Im really jealous.
love ya xxxx
Looks like your having an imense time! :)
LOLLL at the sunglasses the rain! haha
The kangaroo pics are sooo cute! :)
See you soon and enjoy the rest of your time! :)
Love Sammi xxxxxxxxxx
Andy N Sharon
Looks like your havin an awsome time, i like the ray mears bit, impravise adapt and overcome and you get a brill windbreak with terrific sunburn thats great.. looks like i have a couple of trainee climbers, did dan give them a quote to remove that tree, i think i need a bigger chainsaw. Missin u both and keep up the cool pics ur makin me well jealous.
Great to see you found the sun, maybe a bit too much Its great to see you are enjoying yourselfs. I dont think thats the way to bungee jump! glad to see you gave the croc a wide berth, How Big!. Cant wait to see your next adventure, misssing you lots, lol xxxxx mum
Hi, Amanda & Dan,
Looks like you having a wonderful time, and it looks a little warmer You where very brave when you where hanging upside down from the trees!!!! Your a lot braver than me, My cousin Sandra says she'd would have loved it!! But shes a little crazy!!!! lol.
Look forward to the next place you visit,
All Our love,
Sue, Eddie, Dillon's & Sandra
Loving the sunglasses photo's Panda and Dan Think Dan should start to get involved with them lol.
Was good to get a text from you, even if you are on the other side of the world.
Miss you loads. Hope you had fun scuba diving, snowboarding and anything else you plan on doing.
See you when you get back, will keep checking on photo's etc to see what you've both been up to :)
Oh! Mum and Aimee say "Hiii Amanda and Dan, pleased to see you're both having fun. See you when you get back :) xxx" There ya go lol
Angela Harrison
Hope you had a great time scuba divin, u dont take after your mum then! its great if u can do it. Had a early start this morning, returning from Sylveston at 5.45 AM! Missing u lots, Have fun x