I sent a note to your email account and the contact board. Please read asap.All else is well.
Hi, I have downloaded the application form for your money back on your camera, it has requested a serial number. The 10 digit number is on the bottom of the camera, can you pass it on to me and I can fill in the form for the money back. Hope the last coach journey was not too bad, and I hope you have landed somewhere nice to relax for a couple of days. LOL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi I will check out the web site again and see if I can get anymore info and post a message tomorrow, enjoy your coach trip, it will be good when you get to the sea, just think about the sea. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just a quick note, I will let you know more later when I have had a longer look at the details, but, Sambodromo is the main part of the festival, it starts on February 13th and the main Sambodromo is the main event on Monday 15th, it is main collection of Samba bands with seating and standing space tickets for the NEXT 2 DAYS ONLY are $134 for seats that are allocated(come and go as you please) after the 2 days the price will rise by 15%. The tickets seem to go up after a few days. Some areas have bad viewing.I will get back to you tomorrow when I have found out some more. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hana & Becki's Challenge
Hey Mum & Dad,
We have a challenge for you to help us sort out some stuff!! Can you research as internet not strong, we want to go to Rio de Janerio carnival! We have seen some tickets for a thing called Sambodromo which looks like fun too! Could you find out prices, dates, seat places and times please!! I know you have lots of spare time!
Hana promises if you find out info she will take a picture of Chichen Itaz and Machi Pichu!!!!
Thank you
Hi, just sitting in the chair thinking of you two in the sunshine as it is still pissing down with rain. Zimba is sitting on the arm sending his love or just wants feeding again ! Nothing much else to report. x
Second time of keying message as lost the first one. Laptop almost through the window !
Hi I have been doing my reasearch for one of your cultural visits to take Hannah on. Chichen Itza, if you want to have a look first just add .com and it will all be there, it's about 2 to 3 hours drive from Cancun and is a must see. looking forward to the photos. Not much news from here, pouring with rain, cold and no desire to go outside. Chat soon LOL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hope you are keeping up with Bridie's blogs, she gives some interesting details on this latest one, although it may not refer to anything you will be attempting. Couple of questions, is the orange tablecloth yours and what bedding and towels do I need to leave behind or get cleaned. Off to have tea. Chat again soon. xxxxxxxx
Well just matching your blog updates. Have sent emails ! Things are fine, now it has been 3 weeks, you should now be getting beyond the holiday mood and looking at the whole back packing thing. Doing Christmass shopping and all that stuff, just getting used to not having to watch what you might need, taxi into Bournemouth etc. Car is fine just needs a new owner.
So you want a message do you!!!!! Well what do you want to hear. We are still trying to clear you home Rebecca, it's taking ages and we are running out of places to put it. We are trying to sort your phone from home now, hopefully we will get a result this time. We have been up to collect the deposit from the Conservative club with success. We have booked a holiday for us and Peter and Rowena, so will be looking for a cat sitter, we are only going to Tenerife for a week on the 5th February. Gran and Grandad are fine, I've been out of the pool this week but I have still taken gran. No more news at mo. Will chat again soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Becki (And Hana)
Oi.......... parents, where are our messages!
Hi, Long time no hear, hope all is going well, and you have done some more amazing things. All is ok here, Simba is being good and spending most of his time around Geoff's playing with the toys there. We have had dreadful weather here, storms and lots of rain. Gran and grandad are well and gran is looking forward to receiving her new laptop!! Of course is she enjoys using it then you may have a job to get it back. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx