Hi, where are you and what you up to. Gran and Grandad have taken to their beds with very bad colds, hope they will be better for Christmas, or at least for gran's birthday. Nice lie in's now for a couple of weeks as no gym. Not many days until Christmas, we have yet to have any snow, but Heathrow and Gatwick have been closed and people got stuck in the euro tunnel for hours and hours. It would be nice if it snowed on Christmas Day. Hope it's not too hot there!!!!!! On a sad note Michael has got to go in for more surgery, will keep you posted.
Hannah, I am so pleased to read your last message, I hope you enjoy the volcano, mind the shoes though, you don't want to melt them. Chat soon. xxxxxxx
Hello Mother Courtney.... We have both at one point or another said we are doing these wonderful trips for you! I was incharge of the camera for Tikal so i hope you like the pictures! We have now done four temples in about two weeks so i am kinda done with that but we are heading to Antigua which has an active volcano which is way more up my street!!! xx
Hi Hannah, I am glad to see you are getting a bit of education on your visits, and I am somewhat surprised that you are actually liking seeing some of these places Rebecca drags you to. Go with the flow (that's Rebecca) she will not take you to too many and if you don't go you may regret it. You can always pretend you are both doing this for me as I am unable to do it myself, I am loving the photo's and the blogs, and wish it was me taking you to all these places (hang on there I might actually be worse than Rebecca) enjoy and take it all in, it will stay with you for the rest of your life and think of how good you will be at General Knowledge quizzes. Miss you both. xxxxxx
I have sent you an email today about Barclays. I will be around tonight if you need to chat. Hospital tomorrow afternoon at 2.30. We will take the computer and skype up to bed tonight in case you want to ring. What did you want about the next part of your trip. xxxxxxxx
Have you read Bridie's last blog 70 HOURS on a coach, mad or foolish. Hope you are taking note Hannah, keep those legs moving. xxxxxxxx
Hi, nice to see the new photo's and blog, gosh the spelling is bad, you must have missed that bit at school!!!!!! We are off the Barclays, to see what we can sort out, then to Nationwide to let them know you are away. We will let you know tomorrow how much we have transfered into your Barclays account tomorrow. Hope to chat soon. Little Joe McEllery won X Factor.
Just had a look at new photos on facebook, have you forgotton about your blog or are you too busy travelling. Hope your journeys are going to be shorter than Bridies last lot. Did you have the photo we took at the leaving party, the one with all of us in, sitting on the stage, thought I would copy it for gran and grandad. I hope they will be on line soon, just waiting for the internet set up. Chat soon. Love you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Still no updates after a week, we know you have been doing things and travelling !
Alls well here, Christmas shopping cheaper this year, less to buy for ! Having several parties, but with very old people, i.e our age.
Speak soon.
hey glad you enjoying yourself weather here miserable but everything else is cool so carry on enjoying your trip take care love kevxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi, Hope you will let us know when you have received our messages about Barclays bank, did you get the mobile phone text I sent yesterday the 5th. Still miserable weather here, cold wet and windy so simba is staying alot, he's good and much brighter than he was last week,probably just getting used to his new surroundings. chat soon.love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx