Leaving Fiji was a mixture of emotions, I think if it hadn't been for the padi course we would have gone mad with the not knowing. Our next stop into Sydney was as far as we go! No food, no money and no flight home, but on the other hand it was the climax of the trip! Oz at our fingers we could go or be whatever we wanted to be...! Well on paper we could, I may have cut things a little too fine and I had about £500 to my name and a ticket home was closer to the grand mark, so work was a must.
I realised this on the road and had done some research into fruit picking and we thought we were set. Three weeks fruit picking then head to melbourne to hang with the girls. Well not all plans follow through, three weeks in the year there is no work fruit picking and can you guess when we turned up???? Yup back to the drawing board we went and decided we had to be realistic and plan ahead, so it was off to Melbourne for us.
We booked the next bus leaving to Melbourne but we still had time to kill! Within one day we had requested tax codes, booked accomondation, trapesed round thousands of banks, set up accounts and a super, got Australian phones and credit and still had time to do some sight seeing. As our bus was a good old overnight jobbie we had the following day to see everything.
As we flew into Sydney I spotted the Harbour Bridge and Opera House so I tried my luck with that being enough, but Becki wasn't having any of it, so we were off, first stop the Opera House. We walked from our hostel through the hussel and bussel of Sydney soaking up the ozzie air. I have to admit I did feel a little let down by Hollywood, turns out not all Australians wear board shorts, have bbq's or have a pet kangaroo at home. In fact I can confirm I didn't actually see a single one to fit that description. They were just boring regual looking business people and international students. I can confirm though that everyone says mate! Male or female, black or white everyone was MATE! I loved it :) after a short walk we arrived at the Opera House and through all the tourists trying to get that golden photo shot I could see her. I had seen it on the tv, olypmic games and from the plane but it was much bigger and better in real life..... I made it! It's not all a dream, I am really here was all I could concertrait on.
You couldn't actually go into the Opera House unless you were on a tour and that cost money so we excitally walked around it. We were a little sad though everyone not a tourist was busyly setting up for the home coming of Jessica Watsons after being the youngest person to sail single handly around the world, everything was pink! We made our way to the botanical gardens and watched some wedding photos be take, it was funny watching all the fake smiles and the happy couple trying their best not to start a fight with each other over the poses. With all this excitment and people watching opportunities passing us up we made camp on the floor got the cards out but soon both of us fell fast asleep. Two hours later a bit of dribble from the nap we were rudley awoke by a land train and screaming over excited kids.
We walked back to the harbour and looked up at the bridge, I mean it was cool and eveything but a bridge is a bridge at the end of the day. You can walk over it and we might do that when we decide what our Tavel plans our. We had an early dinner ready for our onwards travels to the city of four seasons in one day and Cat, our friend from Bolivia.
The bus journey has horrible, the bus had no leg room, hot, sticky and full of moaing grumpy travelers. We dropped some off in Cambra the capital city of Australia and picked ip a few more. It kills me to say this but I would take a Bolivian bus over any westan bus anyday! Anyway Melbourne baby!!!
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