Byron Bay, the hippy central of New South Wales possibly even Australia! Shereen, Becki and I had already got our trip planned. We had hired a car, booked our hostel and done our research. As Rachel didn't have a job and no plans we thought the more the merrier. Both Becki and I had work in the morning, but as soon as 12 o'clock hit we were out that door, chucked a few clothes in a bag and we all headed to grab our new beast! We eventually found the car rental place only to be greated by the most negative lady ever. She was even the worlds best sales person (probably the case or had no faith in us!) but after her 5 minute chat we signed up to silver insurance coverage which started to make the rent a car idea more expensive with more risks.
We were all excited about what adventures we will find ourselves in and the two hour drive crossing from Queensland into New South Wales fly by. Everyone had their eyes open for a koala, snake or kangaroo just chilling out catching some rays. Turns out none decided to make their homes by busy motorways, despite the road signs!
With our spirits high we arrived into our hostel, checked in and unpacked. The novelty of hostels has really gone for Becki and I but both Rachel and Shereen were psyched! We explored everything Byron had to offer in about an hour. We eyed up shops we were going to hit tomorrow, checked out the beach and climbed all over some rocks and wooden frames. We all had our cameras at the ready and within the hour I think over one hundred photos had been take on everyone's cameras.
We had a massive night planned, so we headed to a liquor store, introduced Rachel to her new love goon, had a few drinks in our room and got to know each other well Rachel anyway. We then headed to the bar for a free dinner and some drinking bingo! Now I would have been the first to say bingo was for grannies but when free drinks are up for grabs we were all focussed, as focus as you can be after a box of Goon. We were robbed a few times, just missing out by the skin of our teeth but soon our luck changed and we won. We drank up and headed to the famous Cheeky Monkey's nightclub. How can I describe it....? we embraced the atmosphere, danced with anyone and everyone, on the floor, stage and even a table or two! On the way home we grabbed some much needed food. Found a busker, had a sing song and then we all fell/passed out with huge smiles on our faces.
In the morning we all had a quick awakening from miss Courtney, who was jumping with excitement about the beach. No one was allowed to shower, we all had five minutes to get our tog's on, grab our camera's and a towel and head to breakfast. Rachel was on a health kick so had fruit but spent each mouthful cursing our bacon and egg roll. We ate up to cure the hangovers and headed straight to the beach.
The sea was even more beautiful that yesterday. The sun was beaming, kids where playing, people were swimming and surfers were surfing. We found the first free space, chucked our bags down on the beach and headed straight for the waves. Entering the sea came with a bag full of emotions, Rachel reminded everyone of the sharks that patrolled the coast and the Jelly fish that had been spotted in the wake of the waves. Although this was at the back of all our minds it was really hard to care as the wave crashed into our bodies and the burning sun was making the sea a toasty 28 degrees. We spent the next few hours, sleeping, reading, sun baking (this is what they call it here) and swimming. We soon all burnt to a crisp and had to head back to the hostel.
Before we arrived we had one very important stop to make by demands of Dannie, she said we MUST have a wrap from the little organic place on the beach.... SUMO SALAD. She gave all of us at least a 10 minute talk on how amazing the food was and she wasn't wrong. The wraps were a taste sensation, I might even describe it as a party in my mouth! Anyway all filled up we headed back to the hostel, got showered and hit the shops.
We all split up eager to have a rummage around the little delicate shops of Byron Bay. We all started of saying we couldn't afford anything and all ended up getting at least something. Next stop on the list was the lighthouse. Now we had been panicking about the hire car but suddenly as we drove the lighthouse track UP the hill watching other backpackers walking we realise there was no doubt that having a car was by far the best decision. We heard it was at its best during sunrise but we though we would cover all our basis and check it out while we were still up. It is also an iconic spot as it is the most Easterly point in Australia (I think some may dispute this but there is a sign, so for tourist it is to us!). The lighthouse was very picturesque and it took our breath away as you could see for miles. We overheard that dolphins can be spotted off the edge of the break and I spent hours looking but it wasn't my day. We did the walks so we could see it from all angles and take everything in. Poor old Rachel got so involved with the Australian way she almost stepped on a snake, but luckily in true English girly style she just screamed and ran in the opposite direction.
We spent the rest of the night chilling out. We headed to the bar and played scattergories but not by the rules my mum taught me! The dirtier, most craziest answers won and by rights of course we won a few. Our best "something small beginning with an M that floats, well what else could it be but.... Midgets on a lielos" what would you have said....? We spent the rest of the night, chilling chatting, drinking our free drinks and planning our next day.
It started early as we decided we had to see the lighthouse in all its glory so we dragged ourselves out of bed at 4.30am. I have to say this whole getting up for work at this time put Becki and me ahead of the rest in moods! The lighthouse was top notch and completely worth getting up for, however so glad we had the car and didnt have to do the long walk!! We headed back to the hostel for an extra few hours so we could be with the world again not still in the land of nod. We ate breakfast and in true travelling style made our decision to leave within about ten minutes.
We had been told of this little country town called Nimbin where a group of old Skool hippies created a little village in the 70's and were in the middle of a fight to get weed legalised on the basis of medical benefits. The argument being that God created the world and you cant really legalise something that is grown from the land, it is 100% natural. All of this is well and good but what they were really know for were the wonderful cookies you could buy and if you eat one you would be flying. We followed the tiny windy roads up, down and around when completely out of the blue and like something from the magic roundabout we were hit by a little village with bright colours, huge peace symbols and lots of happy people. The village was tiny nothing more than a row of about twenty shops, one supermarket, medical centre, pub, hostel and heaps of tiny tourist shops selling everything you can think of with a green leaf on.
Don't get me wrong they did it right, we took the cultural tour around the best museum (this is what Mummy Courtney would of wanted me to do!!) which lead into a garden full of stoned old ladies cooking and playing with cats and chicken just chatting about normal daily things like the weather. In the museum there were quotes like "Now is all there is" " How absurd is a law that seeks to classify a plant as a crime, as if there is something feloniously wrong with nature" "drug laws are global scams" "people take drugs to feel better for pain relief- its hardly a criminal offence" Ok we all know drugs are wrong but you start to believing what the crazy hippies are saying when your in the village. I don't now what peoples views are on drugs and yea like I said there are some that are a no go, but I know I would prefer to be chatting to a stoned chilled out person that a legal drunk crazy person any day.
After our little detour we headed back to Brissy, to the company of a country and western radio station to help us along our way. We dropped our car off as good as new, they hardly even checked it, which makes me think the women was a great sales person and headed back safely to Unit 58 to tell Dannille all our stories.
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