Don Det is one of the four thousand islands in the south of Laos. After our boat trip across we were starting to get excited about relaxing and shaking off whatever illness thing we had. We arrived on land to find a long street with lots of resturants and guest houses but no people. We looked at a few places but nothing shone out, in the end I parked rachel and becki on some steps and I went hunting. I found a few places but still nothing really great. In the end we managed to get a great deal on two bungalows right on the rivers edge for next to nothing:) so we dropped our things and like standard we went in search for food.
We found a Nice little bar over the river and enjoy the view. We had some crazy australians sat behind us talking about all the drugs they have take While being on the island. We all looked at each other wondering what we had gotten ourselves into.
After eating we found a couple of tubes and we spent the rest of the day playing and relaxing in the river. The water was really warm and there was a small bank in the middle where we sat around and sunned ourselves.
That evening we had a few beers in our hamocks and went for the best meal I had in laos. Sadly though my tummy still wasn't right and I manger to take only a few bites out of my mash and chicken before I felt sick:( we returned to our bungalows and spent the everning just talking and listerning to music.
The next day was met with a late start and a non-productive day. The plan was to rent bikes and go for a ride, but as none of us could keep any food inside no one had any energy. We decided to go for a walk instead and met a few character along the way. We met up with an old friend from vang vieng which was cool! We spend the rest of the day learning about four twenty which I won't explain but we had a good day:)
As we were running out of money we decided to leave the next morning for Cambodia, so booked our ticket paid our bills and chilled in the hamocks. All in all Don Det was a nice place but no one was feeling well and I think we all wanted a bit of clean westernisation.
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