So I've been off the blogging for a while. After my crash I made my way to the islands of thailand to 'recover'. My leg was scabby and my hand and shoulder were really badly bruised. I stayed around Koh Tao, Phangan and Samui for a month. I did a little bit of cycling, a lot of drinking and partying and fully recharged my batteries!
All very beautiful and relaxing sitting on soft White sandy beaches.... Working on my killer tan!!! (yes you guessed it- I'm slightly off White/ mainly red, but it's a good start for me).. Actually I had a massage the other day- I'd not even been out in the sun and the woman looked at me and said oooohh very burn bad sun oooh hurting hurting!!- um no it's just what colour I am!
I spent a week in a silent meditation retreat learning about Buddhism and meditating. It was an amazing experience really the most difficult thing I have ever put myself through, in it's mental, and physical challenge. We had 2 none meal meals per day both before noon, slept on a wooden bench, no eye contact and no talking for the whole week. We spent about 6-8 hrs per day sitting legs crossed thinking about nothing!! Maybe when I put it like that it sounds like no big deal- but trust me it was TOUGH! It totally broke me. I've been out now for 4 days and I'm still exhausted. Desperately in need of a hug- so any of yous got some going spare send them my way!
One of my conclusions from the week is that I'm going to stop the cycling. It's just too hot now here in Thailand, and I've had a few friends sustain some extremely serious injuries falling off over the past week- so I'm going to quit whilst I'm ahead. And be thankful I've come to no harm so far... It has been a truly amazing experience and I wouldn't change it for the world. I will be continuing with just my backpack like all the other dirty travellers!
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