So I have been living and working here in Vientiane for 2 1/2 weeks now. I really like it here, although it's rather a quiet town, there is very little other than drinking to do. I'm living at the yoga studio, although not doing much yoga! There is an amazing DVD collection here so I'm catching up on all the films I've missed, got a 2a day habit ATM. Living with 3 other people a Physio volunteer with me at cope, a teacher chap from Thailand and Marnie the house owner. A good bunch of people. Having a bit of time in 1 place has allowed me to relax a bit, travelling all the time is actually hard work- especially on the bike. I am really enjoying the local insites I'm getting from my Laos work friends, every day for lunch we visit a different cafe, they are all amazing- places I'd never have discovered alone. Still the work remains challenging (and frustrating) at times, there are lots of barriers to progression and development.
There is a cycling group called team Dai (cycle in Laos). Been out with them a few times- showed them how I roll, but at 6.15am it's a challenge even for a morning person. Went to a party on Saturday night- yes more drinking!! A rubix cube themed party- no me neither?! Anyway the idea was to end up wearing all the same colour by swapping clothes- um yes?... Er no! I didn't find this out til I got there, didn't stay long lots of boring polite small talk- Time to leave hastily when someone offered to swap my dress with a scarf.... Total no deal! Evening over... WTF!!!
I have discovered the joys of skype, and have managed to speak, albeit briefly, to the real world. It both made me miss home more, and realise how small the world is!
Had the day off for international womans day today?! Very bazar it's a huge celebration. They were giving out beer to all the women at work, there was dancing and a big ceremony. All night there were parties, music and celebrations... We had a pancake party to celebrate! Ummm nutella pancakes!
So having been away for 2 months I'm developing a list of foods I expect to be waiting for me in plentiful abundance, there is only so much rice and vegetables a girl can eat!!! List as follows.... In no particular order- cheese (Brie, Camembert, Cheddar, Stilton... Not fussy), wine ( White or red- not fussy), gin and tonic ( with ice and lemon), dark chocolate..... I do feel slightly bad about my food cravings given than about 1/5 of the population here rely on the World food programme to survive... Still, I miss cheese!
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