leanna's getting her move on!!
well im in singapour irport at the mo making use of the free tinternet! (get in! faught better update as a bit behind!) well after the perhentians islands we headed to tamana gara national park (masiveeeee rainsforest in middle of malaysia!) and you would think that after traverling for 3 months in asia we would have relised not to belive the locals when they say it will only take four hours to get somewhere!! (u take the amount of time they give u and double it and mabey add on another hour for the stopping of random animals, local drivers and other distractions on the roads!!) but we still kinda hope were gonna get lucky and manage to arive somewhere in daylight hours!! well after our "four" hour jurney we arrived in the jungle and at our guesthouse! (we reckon the owner was on sum form of happy pills when he decided to do the rainbow decorating of the place!) well we had a loverly room with blue grren and purple walls and my favourite thing of all my very own squat toilet!! with shower over it!! (hint of sarcasm in ones voice!)
well we go the cobwebs of our walking boots and headed out on a treck into the dence jungle (sweating i mean glistning all the way!) we climb the worlds longest canopy walk! (rope bridges linking the tops of the trees together!) were we had decent views through the jungle to see the critters! i also thought i was indian jones and persited on running along the bridges and jumping from tree to another like i was being chased by sum tribe! (to anna's dismay as she gripped onto the swinging bridge with her fear of hieghts poor lamb eh!)
in the afternoon we had this idea to go nd visit the bat caves! now in our imnagination it was big caves that u could easily walk through with high ceilings to see the bats! in reality i was small v cramped dark and bloudy stunk!! so we ended up crawling like mini berns on our hands and knees covered in poo! with bats swooping all around us was v impresive but not sumfing i would repeat lol! at one point van shouted out a bat had pooed on her at which the guied told her not worry as it was only urine! (yeah like thats any better???? weirdo!!)
the next day we had another "four" hour journey to the cameron highlands (and no viki thats not in scotland!!) which is famous for it Boh tea plantations! and scones! (how very english!) where we stayed in the farthers suposed guesthouse we stayed in airraid shelters from war me nana would have felt rite at home! ha ha so we had two days here were we went round the tea plantations and seen how they made and processed the tea we tried some teas and acompanied with scones of course!! the guides also took us on a mini trek into the mountains where they explained about different plants and how the local tribes needed them and what they did it went mainly like u see that pink plant there u eat that u die 30 seconds, u see that big leafey fern u eat that u die 2 seconds!! (was great fun!) well gota go as were bording at airport and late will finish at brisbane!
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