The more time I spend here I more I'm not quite sure where the bad press comes from. So ok the trains are sometimes a little slow and the people aren't always the friendliest but you compare it to London where to get on the train you need not only brake the bank but use your ticket a million times, here you are trusted to buy a ticket that is about £5/ day for a group ticket anywhere but you never show it either. No rummaging through your bag whilst people barge you out the way and then it doesnt go into the machine because the corner has been slighty bent. Also I'm not being disgusting but the Dixie loos (portaloo) are all open and clean and yes they have a full stock of loo roll, you can't even get to them anywhere in England. You might not be able to leave a nice bike in the city centre but I don't think you would ever really expect that.
Yesterday was quite a long day, sometime the yard has more traffic than the M25. The 6 massive loads coming and going to take all the wood chips out, the lorry and van going off and coming back rebranded, which does look very good, the coming and going of all the guys with the mini digger and trailer and the avant but they didn't actually finish until 8pm had dinner I'd already cooked and then went off for 2hours to go on the Internet. So by 10:00pm I got into bed and tried to tell myself that tomorrow will be better. After Stu got back I still couldn't sleep so i re watched the secret diaries of a call girl.
Anyway another day and I'm really looking forward to going to some museums and galleries. First stop natural history and guess what the exhibition is but the history of the wolf.
The foto gallery after that and then the film museum or I might leave that for another day we will see.
Wolfe was slightly disappointing, not very big and I thought they might of had some of it in English, O well next.
Due to my evident Incompetent-ness I failed to find the foto gallery. Arriving at the address I'd got from the guide book to find it had moved but didn't say where it had moved to. Fabulous !!!!
So after my bigging up of Frankfurt earlier only to be let down. I couldn't be bothered to go to the film museum I'll save that experience for another exciting day. Never mind just this once I'll put it down to my poor ,what Andy Brown would say,pre-plan-preparation-prevents-piss-poor-performance.
O yeah and now it's raining.
- comments
Wolf nice picture!