So the royal wedding and Blazes birthday yesterday. I wonder if there are any similarities.......
Both treated like royalty, both have people that adore them, both live in palaces, both had a day off one in the same I think. Didn't quite have as many people camping outside waiting to wishing him luck in the future.
Maybe next year they will think about him.
Its the first weekend in Frankfurt and I thought I was working today so got all my stuff ready and made our pack lunches bit when everyone got back last night and talking through today's plan I certainly was included. Probably heard how rubbish I was at it last time. So first Saturday when working much the sane as any other day. Fill up water walk dogs wait for Stu.
At least this time Sultan the crazy drunk man that lives on his elopement that says he can speak 10 different languages but not really sure if he can even speak german properly waved his arms and mumbled slightly that I can fill up using his wasser. I think he taps in from the gym next door.
Hopefully Stu will get back soon so we can go into Frankfurt for the afternoon.
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