Unfortunately we had to leave the home stay at 5 am in the morning because we had to catch the slow boat up the Mekong River to Chiang Kong. I didn't like the fact that we had to leave so early, we did not have the ability to say goodbye or wave to the villagers. Furthermore, it was so early in the morning that we were the only ones that were up at that time.
It was a long day on the boat, it took us 12 hours to get to Chiang Kong and during the early morning the temperature dropped and it was cold on the boat; which made it difficult to fall back asleep. In the afternoon, we all were tired and felt disguisting because we didn't have access to a shower at the homestay.
Once we arrived in Chiang Kong, we showered and got ready for dinner. After dinner, we headed back to the hotel and went to sleep. This was our first night in Thailand and with the military taking control and implementing the 10pm to 5am curfew there was not much for us to do.
After the long 20 hour transportation trek, I am unsure how likely I am on if I will do another tour after all of my vacations are over and done with. I just find that especially with G-Adventures they seem to select road travel over air, which wastes a lot of time. Especially, since it is time that could be spent in a location where we could explore. So, I find it a bit frustrating.
- comments
Mom It sounds like you're putting up with very early mornings and long exhausting travel cross country. Still you can see changing countryside and you can always look for birds!